Town of Warwick Selectboard December 17, 2007 Draft Minutes Members present: Patricia Lemon, Jim Toth, Rick Abbott Others present: David Young, Rosa Calcari, Dawn Magi, Miryam Williamson, Janice Kurkoski, Terry Kemerer, Jon Calcari, Paula Lundgren (Athol Daily News) I. Call to Order Chairman Lemon called the Meeting to order at 6:05pm at the Town Hall. II. Minutes Toth MOVED to approve the minutes of the December 13 meeting as amended. Lemon Seconded. VOTED. III. Presentations/Discussions 1. Refer Zoning Changes to Planning Board - In reference to the Zoning By- Laws proposed by the Zoning Task Force, Young read a letter from Ted Cady requesting that the Board to refer back them back to the Planning Board. The letter stated that the Planning Board voted unanimously to accept the proposed By-Laws and pass them along to the Selectboard. Lemon MOVED to refer the proposed By-Laws back to the Planning Board. Toth Seconded, amending the motion to include the Selectboard going on record to schedule a joint hearing with the Planning Board on January 16, 2008. Lemon Called the Vote. VOTED. 2. Signing Up Town Accounts for Green Energy - Kurkoski said that green energy will cost about 15% more than the rate for electricity from companies such as National Grid, and that anyone may sign up. She said that up to 60% of what residents sign up for would be returned to Warwick, which can be spent in limited ways that promote renewable energy. Kurkoski said that 8 more accounts in Town will mean a $400.00 bonus to the Warwick fund, which is credited quarterly. Lemon asked if the MTC's focus is to have people install systems that will produce power. Kurkoski confirmed this. Williamson pointed out that for those who itemize their taxes, a tax deduction can be taken for the amount paid for green energy in excess of regular energy rates. Toth mentioned matching grants for communities and low-income residents. Lemon stated that she figured an average energy consumption of $201.00 per month for the Town Hall, Library, Police and Fire Stations, Cemetery and Highway garages, then asked Kurkoski for a recommendation on which plan would be best for the Town accounts. Kurkoski said she had not examined the figures closely enough to make a recommendation. She noted that the initial sign-up commitment is for a period of one year, and gave the enrollment deadline as April 30, 2008. Williamson suggested a write-up in the Warwick Community Newsletter. Kurkoski responded that she would submit something to newsletter editor Andrea Woods. Lemon stated that she wanted to take this a step further and examine the figures for discussion at the next Board meeting, as she felt that currently there is not sufficient information on which to act. Toth said that tabling the discussion has two advantages: allowing the Board to formulate the numbers systematically, and doubling exposure of the issue by getting it into the minutes of two meetings. 3. DOE Energy Audit Application - Toth credited the Building and Energy Committee and Steve and Janice Kurkoski for being instrumental in assisting him with the energy audit projects. This audit, which will be free of charge, will cover more than the National Grid audit, which focused solely on lighting issues. The DOE audit will examine energy and oil consumption and evaluate insulation in Town Hall, Police and Fire Stations, Highway garages, and the Library. Toth noted that Warwick will also be evaluated by FRCOG through a service company, and the Board recently signed the EPA Energy Pledge. Toth said there is no charge for participating in these actions, and the Town saves money as a result of improved efficiency. He called this a multi-pronged approach to lowering energy costs. Toth MOVED to authorize Jim Toth to sign the DOE Energy Audit Program application. Lemon Seconded. VOTED. 4. Heritage Landscape Inventory Program - Toth explained that the two parts of the application include a letter of interest and letters of support. Letters of support will be forthcoming from the Historical Society, Historical Commission, Planning Board, and Open Space Committee. Toth noted that this program creates a planning tool for future applications, provides structure and framework for planning initiatives, and will help with upgrading the Open Space Plan. Toth MOVED to authorize the Chair to sign the Letter of Intent, noting that the full Board will sign a Letter of Support. Abbott Seconded. VOTED. 5. Letter of Appreciation to Dawn Magi - Lemon presented Magi with a letter of appreciation from the Board for her work on the Finance Committee and service to the Town, while expressing her gratitude for Magi's fine work. 6. Selectboard Reports - The Highway's Snow and Ice budget has expended $24,260.01 of its appropriated total of $66,600.00, which represents 36% of the account. Toth said he expects Highway Superintendent Tim Kilhart to, in the not too distant future, request authorization of deficit spending for the Snow and Ice budget, which is the only Town account that may legally deficit spend. Magi stated that she appreciates Kilhart's efforts to keep costs low, but said that she has heard many complaints about the roads and expressed her own concerns about losing emergency services due to poor road conditions. Toth explained the standard policy for legitimate complaints requires the complaint to first go through the Highway Superintendent, then to the Board via liaison Toth when necessary. He also outlined the current process, implemented by Tim Kilhart to be as follows: sand roads early in a storm, with the initial application on paved roads being 1 part salt to three or four parts sand. A plowing cycle is around three hours, with two trucks plowing in tandem on the four main roads. They plow the snow during the storm, applying sand as needed, and finish with a sand-salt application that is intended to try and break up any remaining snow pack the next day after the storm. They also try to eliminate the second salt and sand application for the low salt area in the center of town as long as the traffic is sufficient to break up remaining snow and ice. J. Calcari asked why the slush was not scraped off last week when the weather was warmer, to which Toth replied that the irregularity of the roads would result in little success. Williamson said Kilhart cannot please everyone, as he cannot simultaneously keep costs down and have perfect roads. Lemon said Kilhart's job often requires judgment calls, noting he often exhibits solid judgment. She stated we should tell him what we want, but not how he should do things, which would let Kilhart make the necessary decisions. In speaking of the DOR Review, Lemon said it was brought to her attention that most school districts have completed their audits, but PVRSD has not as yet done theirs, which could result in the loss of $130,000.00 in reimbursement money next year. Lemon noted that subsequent discussions with assistant superintendent Dayle Doiran revealed that PVRSD was aware of the situation and that actions have been taken to remedy the issue. In an update of the WCS sprinkler system situation, Toth said the Board received a request from an attorney representing the PVRSD's insurance firm for a copy of the contract, which may be needed as part of legal action against those who installed the system. Lemon noted that $200,000.00 has been paid by the insurance company Toth said the sprinkler system is almost ready for pressure testing. Toth pointed out that the Board, as representatives of the Town, must witness the test. He also brought up that an independent engineer who is a specialist in sprinkler systems needs to be hired to review the recent repairs to the system and the testing lab data and give an opinion as to the adequacy of repair and the need for treatment of the water. Huguenot Labs found corrosive elements in the water used for the system, and implementation of treatment to neutralize the effects of aggressive bacteria was advised. The engineer will be needed to witness the pressure test as well. Toth cited a $5,000.00 line item in Community School Improvements Account as a funding source, as well as a possible second source of $3,000.00 from another WCS account, which must be verified as to its availability for such expenses. Lemon MOVED that Jim Toth and David Young be authorized to contact the independent engineer previously discussed to determine the scope of services. Toth Seconded. VOTED. Lemon said she contacted Philip D'Avanza for an update on the Town Clock, in hopes the bells might be chiming for the New Year. One more part needs to be fabricated, so it will be several more weeks before he is able to complete re-installation of the mechanism. It was then noted by Toth that the name of the independent engineer is Bob Busolari. 7. Personnel Evaluation Process - Lemon expressed her desire to begin the process of annual personnel evaluations per the Personnel Policy. Toth said the Board delegates the responsibility for conducting each evaluation to the appropriate liaison, who then brings the evaluation before the rest of the Board for discussion and concurrence. Lemon MOVED to authorize David Young to identify various instruments to use for personnel evaluations, in conjunction with Jim Toth and to include the Alan Genovese version which was voted at the March 13, 2007 meeting. Toth Seconded. VOTED. 8. Town Coordinator Report - Young stated that the Town Hall fire extinguishers were inspected, and a new 20-pound extinguisher was ordered for the elevator machine room. He said the elevator passed inspection, and noted that replacement of the lighting and ballasts is well underway. Young reported meeting with the insurance representative to discuss the Town Hall Use Policy. Young said the representative recommended the use of a liability waiver, and preferred a no alcohol policy. The representative told Young if alcohol is permitted, the event holder should purchase a one-day policy, which would cost about $300.00. Young stated that he recommends considering the community value of the Town Hall as a meeting place rather than looking merely for recovery through fees. He noted that he was impressed with the responsiveness and preparedness of those interviewed during the DOR Review. Young next discussed the Broadband Committee and internet service in Town. Toth concurred that its slow and unreliable internet does not adequately serve the Town Hall, which is problematic since internet connection is now a basic tool of business. He stated improvements are essential to boost efficiency. Toth MOVED that the Board charge the Broadband Committee with making adequate internet service to the Town Hall its top priority. Lemon Seconded. VOTED. Toth publicly recognized the efforts of Steve and Janice Kurkoski and their outstanding work in implementing lighting changes as per the National Grid energy audit. The final result will be a 25% - 30% reduction in energy use with brighter, more efficient lighting. Kurkoski identified the new lighting as Super T8 lights. Lemon expressed appreciation and gratitude to Toth and Young for their work on this project as well. 9. Capital Improvements Program - The DOR recommended looking into this to better prepare for capital planning. IV. Public Comment None. V. Adjournment Toth MOVED at 8:10 pm. to adjourn the meeting. Lemon seconded. VOTED. Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo Calcari