Town of Warwick Selectboard December 1, 2008 Approved Minutes Members present: Patricia Lemon, Rick Abbott, Nick Arguimbau Others present: Town Coordinator David Young, Town Secretary Rosa Calcari, Miryam Williamson, Jon Calcari, Rich Naleusky (National Grid) I. Call to Order The Meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. at the Warwick Free Library by Chairman Lemon. II. Minutes There was a discussion of Arguimbau's corrections of the November 17 Minutes, followed by Williamson's correction of an exact quote made by her during that meeting's Public Comment section. Lemon MOVED to accept the Minutes of the November 17 meeting as printed in the agenda with corrections offered byArguimbau and Williamson. Abbott SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. III. Presentations/Discussions 1. Tax Classification Hearing - A date and time must be set to hold a tax classification hearing for the guidance of the Board of Assessors. Young suggested December 29 at 6pm, during the Selectboard meeting to leave adequate time to satisfy the legal requirements for posting the hearing but agreed that December 15 would, in fact, afford enough time. 2. FY 08 Annual Reports - Lemon presented a list of reports that have been received, as well as those that are overdue. She and Young will follow up with those who have yet to submit their reports. 3. Snow and Ice Budget for FY 10 - Young said he has spoken with Highway Superintendent Tim Kilhart, who determined that the average spent on snow and ice over the past few years is $102,000.00. The amount budgeted each year in the recent past has been $66,000.00. Young pointed out that the result of chronic under-budgeting has resulted in the payment of the prior year's bills during the current fiscal year. Young's recommendation for this line item in FY 10 is $100,000.00, and he asked for input from the Selectboard. Lemon said that the $100,000.00 seems reasonable. Young will now take this to the Finance Committee. At 6p.m., Chairman Lemon called a recess to conduct a Pole Hearing. After testimony by and discussion with National Grid representative Naleusky, The hearing was closed and the meeting reconvened. Arguimbau MOVED to approve the requested location of Pole #7. Lemon SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. Naming a Representative to the PVRS Budget Forum - Young said that PVRSD Superintendent Dayle Doiron requested that a representative from each of the four towns attend a December 17 budget forum, which will serve as the kickoff for the FY 10 budget process, to explain their towns' budget outlooks for the next fiscal year. Young noted the forum is preparatory to upcoming negotiations on teachers' salaries. Lemon MOVED to authorize David Young, or a member of the Finance Committee, represent Warwick at the PVRS Budget Forum December 17, 2008. Arguimbau SECONDED. VOTED 2 - 1. Lemon and Arguimbau: AYE; Abbott: ABSTAINED, as the husband of a PVRS teacher. 5. Departmental Input on Capital Planning - Young will be more aggressively seeking input from Department heads on capital planning issues related to the CDS project list. 6. Mount Grace Tower - Young reported that he had received the completed structural analysis at three p.m. that afternoon, and that the tower passed, and that he had forwarded the report to DCR for their signoff so we can move forward. 7. American Tower Lease - Young presented the Board with the American Tower lease for their approval. A $500.00 site-inspection fee is the only charge to the town outlined in this two-year agreement. Arguimbau wanted assurances that there were no hidden fees or additional costs incurred by signing this lease, so members reviewed the language in the document. Abbott MOVED to authorize the Chair to sign the lease with American Tower. Arguimbau SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. "Turtle Crossing" Signs - An unidentified private citizen, concerned with the turtles and amphibious creatures that often cross the road near Wheeler Pond has donated "Turtle Crossing" signs to warn drivers of their potential presence. Young had consulted with Highway Superintendent Kilhart and Police Chief Peters, neither of whom had any problem with putting up these signs. Lemon MOVED to authorize the Highway Department to accept and erect contributed "Turtle Crossing" signs. Arguimbau SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. 9. DOR Municipal Finance Forums - An information item regarding two forums being held December 2, 2008 from 2 - 4 pm and 6 - 8 pm at the GCC downtown campus building. Young had previously notified the Board of Assessors and Finance Committee of these forums; since he and Lemon had attended the same forum earlier in the year, neither of them plans to attend. IV. REPORTS 1. Selectboard Reports Abbott - None. Arguimbau - None. Lemon - * COLA: She had received an Email from Ted Cady, citing the Retired State, County and Municipal Workers' Association newsletter prediction that beginning July 1, 2009, the MA COLA will be 3%, which she has forwarded to the Finance Committee. * Siemens Performance Contracting Preliminary Audits: Jim Toth had passed on a message from Roland Butzke, saying that the latter expects to schedule a date for the preliminary audit by week's end. * Official ID badges: In response to a a recent incident during which a BoH member attempted to conduct an inspection and was asked for official identification, she had made up mock-ups for IDs, that will include the Board member's name, duration of current term, photo and Town Clerk's signature, and the Town seal with the words "issued by Town Clerk Jeannette Fellows." There were neither suggestions for changes nor caveats. * Firefighter Performance Reviews: Lemon presented a draft performance review for firefighters, to be completed by the Fire Chief and Deputy Fire Chief. A similar form will be completed by the Board for the Chief and Deputy Chief. 2. Town Coordinator Report * Young had had a productive talk with the Ernests about various aspects of the Town hall custodial duties. * DCR Forest Administrator Walter Morgan agreed to the permanent barring of The Gale Road end of Allen Road and the temporary barring the other end until a swinging steel gate can be installed. Young expressed his satisfaction at the town's current working relationship with local DCR personnel, stressing the positive results. * He will be gathering more information on the Weatherization and Energy Efficiency Program (WEEP). IV. Public Comment None. V. Adjournment Lemon MOVED at 6:58 p.m. to adjourn the meeting. Abbott SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo Calcari Patricia Lemon, Frederick H. Abbott III, Nicholas C. Arguimbau Selectboard Chair Selectboard Vice-Chair Selectboard Member Rosa Fratangelo Calcari James David Young Selectboard Secretary Town Coordinator