Town of Warwick Selectboard January 16, 2008 Minutes Members present: Rick Abbott, Patricia Lemon, Jim Toth Others present: Ted Cady (Planning Board Chair), Brad Compton (Planning Board), John and Mary Williamson (Planning Board), Jon Calcari, and Paula Lundgren (Athol Daily News) I. Call to Order The Hearing was opened at 7:01 p.m. at the Town Hall by Planning Board Chairman Cady. There being no testimony presented, it was closed immediately, whereupon Lemon called the Selectboard Meeting to order. II. Minutes Toth MOVED to approve the minutes of the December 28 meeting as printed. Lemon SECONDED. VOTED. III. Presentations / Discussions Young was sent for the necessary documentation for three Agenda items. 1. Bussolari Sprinkler Consulting Contract - Toth presented a proposed consulting agreement for engineering services relating to the Warwick Community School sprinkler system. Lemon MOVED to execute contract with RJ Bussolari Associates for consulting services. Toth SECONDED. VOTED. 2. Heritage Landscape Inventory - Toth provided an update, announcing a public meeting scheduled for 6:30 pm on Wednesday, February 13 in Town Hall. The purpose of this brainstorming session, according to Toth, is "to solicit input on the development of a list of potential heritage landscapes in Warwick." Toth stressed the importance of a large turnout for this meeting, which he hopes will prove to be a highly successful planning tool. As Warwick's Local Project Coordinator, Toth has been deeply involved in all aspects of this project from its inception, and seeks to widely publicize this event. (Town Coordinator David Young and Selectboard Secretary Rosa Calcari joined the meeting during Toth’s presentation. The remainder of the Minutes were taken by Calcari) Toth_MOVED to authorize Chairman Lemon to sign the Memorandum of Agreement between the DCR, CMRPC, NQRLP, and Town of Warwick. Abbott SECONDED. VOTED. 3. Reserve Fund Transfer Request to Finance Committee Lemon MOVED that the Selectboard request a transfer from the Reserve Fund in the amount of $855.00 for Veteran's Benefits for the month of February 2008. Toth SECONDED. VOTED. 4. Presidential Primary Warrant - Each Board member signed five copies of the warrant. One copy goes to the Town Clerk, and the Constable will post the other four. 5. Town Flag - Chuck Lisowski previously brought in several proposed designs that had been designed several years ago, as he wanted to see this revisited. Young explained that there are two types of flags: printed, and the preferable but costly woven. Lemon said that she preferred the Town Seal for the flag, keeping the design simple. 6. Selectboard Meeting dates for 2008 - The calendar of proposed meetings and holidays was discussed. Lemon MOVED to adopt the proposed schedule as amended to include meeting dates of Friday, April 18 (instead of Monday, April 21) and Friday, May 16 (instead of Monday, May 19). Toth SECONDED. VOTED. 7. Thanks Due to Volunteer Fire Department - Young read a letter of thanks from Highway Superintendent Tim Kilhart to Fire Chief Gunnar Lambert, commending the Warwick Fire Department for their interdepartmental cooperation in a recent highway project. (copy attached) 8. WMECO Herbicide Application - The Selectboard was informed by WMECO that they will be reapplying the herbicide Arsenal (Imazapyr, or 2-4isopropyl-5-oxy-2-imidazolin-2yl) nicotinic acid with isopropyl amine (2), in a water base to a specified area of Warwick. The company must set its schedule in January, with physical application of the herbicide to take place in the growing season. Instructions for individuals in the extreme northwest corner of Warwick whose water supplies may be affected may be obtained through the Selectboard. 9. Selectboard Reports - Lemon stated that Town accounts cannot purchase green energy at this time. She explained that the Hampshire Collaborative does not yet have provisions for green energy, but they are open to the possibility and working to make it feasible. Toth pointed out that worthwhile incentives still exist for residents to sign up, which would provide meaningful benefits for the Town. 10. Town Coordinator's Report - Young said that he continued to work on data for the DOR Review and the FY '09 departmental budgets. He acknowledged the Kurkoskis and Toth for their work on boosting energy efficiency while reducing energy costs in Town Hall. Young also stated that he had posted upcoming Board and Committee meetings for January and February, scheduled five Town Hall rentals for events to take place in the next three months, and contacted Massamont Insurance for copies of Town employees' bonds. 11. Toth stated that he wants Young to continue working on the Town Hall Use Policy. He also reported that Tim Kilhart and residents of Brush Valley Road have discussed changing the name of the road to Beech Hill Road. Toth said that the lower portion of Brush Valley road was discontinued as a county road in 2003 or 2004, and this poses an emergency response issue. Proper procedure requires the scheduling of a public hearing. Toth stated that he would present a full outline of the process at a future meeting. 12. Toth pointed out that the retiree insurance issue needs to be checked with Town Counsel. He also expressed his desire to reinvigorate the Personnel Committee, suggesting that the Selectboard attend a Committee meeting rather than expecting them to attend a BoS meeting. He cited the Personnel's Committee's feeling undervalued as a problem which needs to be addressed and rectified. IV. Public Comment None. V. Adjournment Toth MOVED at 8:40 pm. to adjourn the meeting. Lemon SECONDED. VOTED. Minutes taken by Patricia Lemon and Rosa Calcari. Approved at January 28, 2008, Selectboard meeting. Patricia Lemon, Selectboard Chair Frederick H. Abbott III, Selectman James H. Toth, Selectman Rosa Fratangelo Calcari, Selectboard Secretary James David Young, Town Coordinator The Selectboard Meeting began with a joint hearing with the Planning Board (see Planning Board Minutes for particulars). Cady and Compton left, once the hearing was closed. When the meeting began, David Young was in the Selectboard office conferring with the Finance Committee, and Rosa Calcari was attending the Board of Health meeting in the Board Room. Thus the initial portion of these Minutes are based on notes taken by Chair Lemon.