Town of Warwick Selectboard November 28, 2011 Minutes Members present: Patricia Lemon, Dawn Magi, Nick Arguimbau (arrived at 6:17 pm) Others present: Town Coordinator David Young, Town Secretary Rosa Fratangelo Calcari, Police Chief David Shoemaker, Jay Rasku (Mount Grace Land Conservation Trust), Assessor Chris Ryan, Assessors Clerk Beth Gilgun, Jon Calcari I. Call to Order Chair Magi called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm in Town Hall. Public Comment None. III. Minutes The approval of minutes was postponed until the next meeting. IV. Presentations and Discussions 1. 250th Anniversary-- Magi said that she wanted to chair a committee to plan events in celebration of the Town's 250th anniversary. Young said that Warwick received its charter on February 17, 1763. Magi said that she wanted members of the Historical Society, Women's Guild, Recreation Committee, and Old Home Days Committee to join the anniversary committee. Young favored a year-round celebration, with the February 17th date observed and at least one large single event as part of Old Home Days. Magi MOVED to establish a committee to plan our 250th anniversary. Lemon SECONDED. Motion CARRIED by a vote of 2-0-0. 2. Police Report --Chief Shoemaker said that after a seven month wait, the new cruiser is in Town. He noted that lettering still needs to be done, and a radar until must be installed. The Chief said that the cruiser has not yet been invoiced, so no payment has been made. He said that retired Police Chief Brian Peters accompanied him when the cruiser was picked up; Peters drove it back to Town, and in doing so was the first person to drive it. Chief Shoemaker intends to have Lyman signs, a local company, letter the cruiser. The Chief also reported that a couple of arrests were made recently of non-residents with outstanding warrants. Other policing matters in Town were also discussed. Sheriff's Department Regional Dog Program -- This pilot program, set to open in January of 2012, will provide a regional kennel located in Turners Falls along with support services to the Animal Control Officer. Chief Shoemaker and Town Coordinator Young were in favor of opting in to the program. ACO Rosa Fratangelo Calcari said that there were many unanswered questions and suggested a wait and see approach to evaluate how other towns rate the program before opting in. Young recommended the Board take a try and see approach and opt in for six months, and take the matter to Annual Town Meeting for a longer commitment. The fee for the remainder of FY 12 is $100.00. The estimated annual fee for FY 13 will be $700.00. Arguimbau arrived at 6:17 pm, during the discussion. Lemon MOVED to inform the Sheriff that Warwick is willing to participate for the first six months but cannot commit beyond that without a Town Meeting vote, and that the $10.00 initial fee will be paid out of Selectboard expenses. Magi SECONDED. Motion CARRIED by a vote of 3-0-0. WCS Lease-- The Board has before it a lease agreement for the lease of the Warwick Community School building and grounds to Pioneer Valley Regional School District. Young advised referring the lease to the Buildings and Energy Committee for its final recommendation. The referral was made by consensus. Chapter 268A:20D Ethics Exemption-- Young explained that the Board needs to grant acting janitor Ray Lemek a 268A:20D ethics exemption, as he is also a broadband installer. Also required is that the Board designates the position of Town Hall janitor a special municipal employee, as he believed this had not yet been done. Lemon MOVED to grant Ray Lemek a Chapter 268A Section 20D exemption, and that the position of Town Hall janitor be made a special municipal employee. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED by a vote of 3-0-0. The Tax Classification Hearing was scheduled for 6:30 pm. Tax Classification Hearing-- Assessors Clerk Beth Gilgun explained that this is done annually, and that the Assessors recommend that there not be a tax split between residential and commercial properties. Gilgun and Assessor Chris Ryan asked the Board to vote to tax all classes of property at the same rate. Ryan noted that the tax rate would be set soon. Magi MOVED to keep a single tax rate for all classes of property. Lemon SECONDED. Motion CARRIED by a vote of 3-0-0. Mount Grace Land Trust and Proposed Conservation Easement "Anderson Farm"-- Jay Rasku from the Mount Grace Land Conservation Trust (MGLCT) appeared before the Board seeking approval for a conservation restriction. Ted Cady and Beth Anderson want to donate land to keep the fields and forest and maintain a working property. The conservation restriction will be donated to the MGLCT, and land in conservation restriction cannot be developed. Rasku showed the Board a map which detailed the land to be donated, pointing out that the Town will have no role, except to approve the easement, as MGLCT will hold the restriction. Rasku noted that he had met with the Conservation Commission, who reviewed and favored the restriction. The law requires Selectboard approval of any conservation restriction, and each member must sign the documents after the vote to approve has been made. Lemon MOVED to approve the conservation restriction on land owned by Ted Cady and Beth Anderson as described in grant conservation restriction document. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED by a vote of 3-0-0. The documents were signed by all three Board members, and were notarized by Jay Rasku. Selectboard Reports-- Lemon said that Ben and Jerry's ice cream, along with other organizations, is seeking a constitutional amendment to prevent corporations from being considered as people and money considered as speech. Lemon said that she wanted a resolution at Annual Town Meeting to ask the state legislature to tell Congress to pass a constitutional amendment to forbid corporations from being considered people and from money being considered speech. Magi said that she attended a meeting of Selectmen from Northfield, Warwick and Bernardston to designate a representative in the collective bargaining with the Pioneer valley Regional School District. She noted that no one from Leyden was present. Bob Raymond was chosen, but his schedule may prevent him from fulfilling the commitment. Young said that he had sent a letter to Finance Committee member Kevin Alden to see if he may be interested in serving as the representative if the need arises. Magi also spoke about a meeting of the FRCOG personnel committee, during which language was developed to define the eligibility of retirees to obtain health insurance. Magi read aloud her notes regarding this issue. Coordinator Report--Young said that he has received positive feedback regarding the Selectboard page in the community newsletter. He also noted that we have received approval of, and permission from American Tower for new radio equipment on the cell tower at 415 Orange Road. Lemon said that she had spoken with Gerald Whitney about his experience a few years back trying to get Verizon to bring cell service to Warwick. Young suggested identifying an appropriate smaller company as service provider since the major carriers have express no interest, and noted that people have expressed interest in serving on the committee to bring cell phone service to Town. Young passed out a draft copy of FY 11 Free Cash. The estimated amount is $65,316.48. Young said that the Assessors have yet to supply a final overlay surplus figure, which will add to the free cash total. VI. Adjournment At 7:02 pm, Lemon MOVED to adjourn the meeting. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED by a vote of 3-0-0. Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo Calcari