Town of Warwick Selectboard November 23, 2015 Minutes Members present: Dawn Magi, Lawrence Pruyne, Nick Arguimbau Others present: Town Coordinator David Young, Town Secretary and Town Clerk Rosa Fratangelo, Buildings and Energy Committee members Steve Kurkoski and Janice Kurkoski, Conservation Commission members Mary Williamson, Karro Frost and Alan Berman, ZBA membersMiryam Williamson and |Sandy Renna, Betsy Alkins, John Gagliani, Jed Proujansky (Northfield Selectman), Elaine Reardon, Mary Neville Wall, Jack Cadwell, Planning Board Chair Ted Cady, Planning Board members Suzanne Renna and John Williamson, Firefighter Zak Marti, Eaden Marti, Police Chief David Shoemaker, Steve Ruggiero, Jon Calcari, Rachel Rapkin (Greenfield Recorder), Jared Robinson (Athol Daily News) I. Call to Order Chair Magi called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm in the Town Hall. II. Minutes Arguimbau MOVED to approve the minutes of November 9, 2015 as printed. Pruyne SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. Pruyne MOVED to accept the minutes of November 13, 2015 with the clarification of last names being used instead of just first names. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. Arguimbau MOVED to accept the minutes of the October 28, 2015 Northfield Road Tree Hearing as printed. Pruyne SECONDED. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. Magi MOVED to accept the minutes of the October 14, 2015 Northfield Road Tree Hearing as printed. Pruyne SECONDED. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. III. Presentations and Discussions 1. Chapter 268 Section 20D Exemptions--Young said that Buildings and Energy Committee member and WCS employee Mary Humphries has indicated interest in working for compensation on preparing the workspace on Town buildings for the weatherization work. He noted that the positions of Buildings and Energy Committee member and PVRSD aid are already designated "Special Municipal Employee". Pruyne MOVED to grant MGL 268:20D exemption to Mary Humphries for custodial work to support the Green Communities weatherization projects and to be paid at the rate of $15.00 per hour. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. 2. Appointment of FCSWMD Representative--Young said that the Franklin County Solid Waste Management District (FCSWMD) wants a representative from Warwick appointed to their board and is willing to attend four quarterly meetings annually. He said that he was willing to be the representative, but will take the next month to see if anyone else is interested in being appointed to this position. 3. ClearGov Website--Young explained that is a web portal that examines and presents municipal financial information municipalities in the states of California, New York and Massachusetts. He said that he signed us up for a half-priced one year trial at a cost of $500.00 to be covered by Warwick Broadband. Young noted that this web based model could help us model our future borrowing for fiber to the home and can help evaluate our budgets and expenditures compared with similar towns in the Commonwealth. He said that residents will be able to see how and where their tax dollars are spent and identify financial trends within the Town's government. 4. Appointment of Scanlon Associates to Audit Town Books --Young said that it has been three years (2012) since the Town's books have been audited, and asked that the Board appoint Scanlon Associates to conduct an audit this year. He said that the firm knows the Town and works effectively. Steve Ruggiero suggested that the Board consider taking applications from other qualified firms. Arguimbau MOVED to appoint Scanlon Associates to audit the Town's books. Pruyne SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. 5. Surplus Property Declaration--Magi read aloud the list of items located in the Town Hall basement that Young requested to be declared surplus property ( the list is included with the copy of the minutes in the Town Clerk's office). Young said that the items need to be moved in order for the weatherization work to be done. Pruyne MOVED to declare all items on the list as surplus property. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. 6. Joining Municipal Coalition Against the Pipeline--Northfield Selectman Jed Proujansky spoke on his reasons for opposing the proposed KM/TG Pipeline. He noted cost to the Town, environmental damage, negative environmental impact locally and globally, potential for pollution, and possible explosions and leaks. Proujansky said that the pipeline poses risk, danger and expense to Warwick with no benefits to the Town. He said that he believes the only way to prevent the pipeline is if municipalities come together and speak with a single voice because in order to have the power to succeed there must be unity among the communities to pressure our legislators to do what is needed. Proujansky said that the Coalition will be involved in legitimate, responsible municipal action and act as a coordinated body. He explained that each municipality would have one vote, and that financial obligation is not part of membership, although towns may be asked to make a contribution. John Gagliani asked if the Town and the Coalition could be sued, to which Proujansky responded in the affirmative. Miryam Williamson pointed out that the maximum amount the Town could be liable for is $100,000.00 and she did not want people to be intimidated by the financial concerns. Proujansky said that attorneys review some things, and that they sometime donated their time and legal expertise. Proujansky said that the Coalition would file for intervener status in case individual towns are rejected and therefore not allowed to have that status. Pruyne asked Young where the money would come from if we were asked to contribute financially; Young replied that he believed there will be enough time so that it could be handled in a warrant article at the May 2016 Annual Town Meeting. Young asked if anyone present was opposed to Warwick joining the Coalition; there were no objections voiced. Pruyne MOVED that Warwick join the Municipal Coalition Against the Pipeline. Magi SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. 7. Correspondence--Young said that there was no correspondence. 8. Selectboard Reports-- There were no reports. 9. Coordinator Report --Young said that tomorrow there should be some technology decisions made on the LTE trial, and that he hoped to amend and expand the licenses for the amount of radio spectrum in the 3FGhz and 2.5 GHz spectrums. Arguimbau had some questions about the FY 16 tax rate. Young explained that the total property valuation has decreased from about $77 million in 2014 to $72,800,000.00 in 2015 and that the FY 16 tax rate has been set at $20.47 per thousand. Young and Arguimbau both expressed concerns that if property values continue to go down the tax rate will go up to keep the Town government running. According to Prop 2 and , the tax rate cannot exceed $25.00 per thousand without an override vote. Arguimbau said that if we budget for the Highway the same way in FY 17, permit applications and tree hearings need to be held prior to the ATM so that we are not boxed in and feel as though we have to approve projects to save the budget. 10. New and Other Business Unanticipated at Time of Meeting Posting --Young had nothing to add to his written report, and the Board had no questions. 11. Public Comment--Gagliani suggested that our zoning bylaws be updated to make changes that protect the Town. Janice Kurkoski said that FRCOG is looking into this. Gagliani said that it is better to be proactive rather than merely reactive; Young agreed with Gagliani that it is good to have zoning standards in place and have zoning provisions that include light and noise standards. Elaine Reardon said that there should be concern for contiguous waterways because water flow can be disrupted in streams, ponds, and even individual property's water supply. Gagliani said that the rate of flow needs to be consistent throughout construction and not allowed to become excessive. IV. Adjournment At 7:12 p.m., Arguimbau MOVED to adjourn. Pruyne SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. Documents consulted at this meeting: *Draft Minutes of October 14 and 28 Northfield Road Tree Hearings *Draft Minutes of November 9, 2015 and November 13, 2015 Selectboard meetings *Town Coordinator Report dated November 19, 2015 *List of Items in the Town Hall basement for declaration as surplus property *Emails between David Young and Rosa Fratangelo re: Draft Minutes of November 9, 2015 Selectboard minutes *Municipal Coalition Against the Pipeline Mission Statement *Suggested motion to grant an MGL 268:20D exemption to Mary Humphries *Town of Warwick General Fund Expenditure Report FY 16 dated November 18, 2015