Town of Warwick Selectboard January 12, 2009 Minutes Members present: Patricia Lemon, Rick Abbott, Nick Arguimbau Others present: Town Coordinator David Young, Town Secretary Rosa Calcari, Miryam Williamson, Charity Day and Debra Little (Franklin County Regional Housing and Redevelopment Authority), Jon Calcari, Dawn Magi, Warwick Police Officer and Emergency Director Jim Erviti, Tax Collector/Treasurer Terry Kemerer, Paula Robinson (Athol Daily News) I. Call to Order The Meeting was called to order at 5:45 p.m. at the Warwick Free Library by Chairman Lemon. II. Minutes Lemon MOVED to accept the Minutes of the December 29, 2008 meeting as printed in the agenda. Abbott SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. In reviewing the Minutes of the November 17, 2008 meeting, Young and Lemon had discovered an omitted "and" from a Motion passed under III.2. It was recorded as: "Arguimbau Moved to accept the Community Development Strategy Project List as presented". The Motion should have read "Community Development Strategy and Project List". Lemon MOVED the Minutes of the November 17, 2008 meeting be corrected to include the missing "and". Arguimbau SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. III. Presentations/Discussions 1. Authorize Snow and Ice Deficit Spending - The Snow-and-Ice line item is an account that can be deficit spent with Selectboard approval, allowing the Highway Department to spend as needed for road crew over-time hours, salt, sand, and fuel for snowplowing and sanding, once funds appropriated by Town Meeting have been expended. In his request to the Board to be allowed to begin deficit spending, Kilhart noted that this request comes two weeks later than last year's. Lemon MOVED Highway Superintendent Tim Kilhart be authorized to begin deficit spending for Snow and Ice. Abbott SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. 2. Transfer Station Issues - This brief discussion was informational, as there had been public discussion on the Warwick-L over the recent change in hours at the Transfer Station. Several residents expressed dissatisfaction over the new winter hours of 8 a.m. - 3 p.m., preferring the standard hours of 7 a.m. - 2 p.m. Lemon praised Board of Health Chair Rita McConville for her handling of the negative Emails on the "L." 3. Highway Superintendent Kilhart had given the Board two Highway Department work plans, a short-range list of six items and a long-range list of 50 projects throughout Warwick. Both lists are posted on the town web site, Young pointed out the map of the recently concluded Speed Study on display in the Library for public examination and invited residents to come and view it and offer any input they might see fit. The Selectboard will act on the study at its January 26 meeting. 4. Schedule of Board Meetings - Noting that the Board had not yet adopted a schedule of meetings for the remainder of FY '09, Lemon MOVED for temporary purposes, that Board meetings be scheduled every two weeks until the entire Board can review a proposed schedule for potential conflicts. Abbott SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. IV. REPORTS 1. Selectboard Reports - Lemon brought up an article from the Greenfield Recorder detailing arrests of several individuals on suspicion of involvement in area thefts. Items recovered during the execution of search warrants include those identified by victims as being stolen from Warwick residents. Lemon wanted it noted in the Minutes that she strongly encourages anyone who observes any suspicious activity or unfamiliar vehicle to report it to the Police so they will have information from which to draw conclusions. She gave the Dispatch number as 978-544-2244. At 6 p.m., Lemon declared the Selectboard meeting in recess and the CDBG grant hearing open. CDBG GRANT HEARING. Charity Day and Debra Little outlined the Warwick Four-Town Rehabilitation Program proposal to benefit low- and moderate-income residents needing their homes rehabilitated to meet current safety and sanitary code requirements. The Franklin County Regional Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) will submit an application for a 2009 CDBG Grant on behalf of Warwick (as lead town), Leverett, Shutesbury, and Whately. The application is due February 13, with notification of Federal funding availability expected in June. Assuming the grant is approved and funded, the towns will then contract with HRA to administer the grant on their behalf. After income verification and qualification for the program is confirmed, homeowners are placed on a waiting list. If awarded, up to six Warwick homeowners will receive deferred-payment loans (payable upon sale or transfer of the property) to address all health and safety code issues. An inspector will visit the property and identify all areas that require rehabilitation, replacement, or repair. The homeowner is given a list of approved licensed and insured contractors, and is free to choose anyone on that list. Lemon declared the Hearing Closed at 6:15 pm RESUMED SELECTBOARD MEETING 2. Town Coordinator's Report - In addition to the written report emailed earlier and posted on, Young made mention of four items: * Broadband Project: All approvals from the Commonwealth are in order to proceed with antenna installation on the Mount Grace tower. As soon as weather permits, likely this month, equipment installation will begin. * Warwick Community School: The new telephone system has been installed, and Fire Chief Gunnar Lambert has issued an order to repair the WCS sprinkler system. The Town has begun its appeal of that order, in hopes of receiving something equivalent to a waiver. * FY '09 Tax Bills: Tax Collector Kemerer has mailed out the second set of bills, which reflect the 97ยข reduction from last year's rate. * Old Highway Truck: Easthampton has paid for Warwick's old Highway truck. III. 3. Highway: Speed Study Statutory black and white signs may be placed only after a speed study is conducted. Yellow and black warning signs, although they can be erected without a speed study, are advisory and thus easier to fight in traffic court. The study determines the usual speed of vehicles traveling along specific stretches of road. The 85th speed percentile is determined, from which speed limits adjusted by plus or minus 7 miles per hour may be proposed for state approval. Abbott expressed doubt, as he felt the proposed speed limits were too high. Young pointed out that both Police Chief Brian Peters and Highway Superintendent Tim Kilhart recommend the proposed speed limits. For purposes of discussion, Lemon MOVED to adopt Proposed Posted Speed Limits as printed in Warwick Speed Zone Study. Arguimbau SECONDED. After some discussion, Lemon WITHDREW her Motion, to give the citizens of Warwick and the Board more time to consider the study's findings. V. PUBLIC COMMENT: ICE-STORM EMERGENCY DEBRIEFING Ice Storm Emergency - The Board had called an open meeting for 7 p.m. to provide the public with an opportunity to share comments and suggestions arising from their experiences in the December ice emergency. Erviti said that he had been impressed with National Grid's response, considering the severity of the December 11th ice storm. Lemon agreed with individuals who suggested that an information sheet be prepared for distribution before the beginning of next winter, October at the latest. Information included would be facts crucial in an emergency situation, including the fact that the WCS is the designated shelter for emergencies, and the facilities and services available there. It was noted that the Fire Department was able to check on most homes only once during the power outage, and not every homes was visited. A telephone tree was proposed as a remedy to this. Lemon wants everyone to telephone her at 978-544-7463 to speak with her directly and give all pertinent contact information. Anyone without a generator, and those with any medical issues such as respiratory illnesses requiring treatments and/or oxygen which require power to operate should be checked upon daily. The sharing of generators between neighbors was also suggested. (Making town-owned generators available could raise liability issues.) VI. Adjournment At 7:17 p.m., Lemon MOVED to adjourn the meeting. Abbott SECONDED. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo Calcari Patricia Lemon, Selectboard Chair Frederick H. Abbott III, Selectboard Vice-Chair Nicholas C. Arguimbau, Selectboard Member Rosa Fratangelo Calcari, Selectboard Secretary James David Young, Town Coordinator