Town of Warwick Selectboard November 13, 2007 Minutes Members present: Jim Toth, Rick Abbott Member Absent: Patricia Lemon Others: David Young, Rosa Calcari, Paula Lundgren ( Athol Daily News ), Jon Calcari, Terry Kemerer I. Call to Order The Meeting was called to order at 6:32pm at the Town Hall by Vice-Chairman Toth II. Reading of the Minutes Abbott Moved to approve the minutes of the November 5 meeting as printed. Toth seconded. VOTED. III. Reports and Discussions 1. Reserve Fund Transfer - This is necessary to cover the December veteran's benefits. Toth, Abbott, and Young looked at the Veterans Services and Benefits Account, verifying the need for a transfer. Abbott Moved to authorize a transfer of $668.00 to the Veterans Services and Benefits Account. Toth seconded. VOTED. Toth stated he will obtain the proper form and sign the transfer request. 2. Town Coordinator Report - Young said that he accepted his appointment and was sworn in. He stated he reviewed, executed, and mailed the Council on Aging contract. He mentioned that he and Toth had conducted a thorough tour of Town Hall and reviewed all systems. Young said he has been working on the payment of bills for the upcoming warrant, and has begun familiarizing himself with the files. He also referred to sorting and dealing with the mail, as well as retrieving and forwarding documents. Other duties he reported were starting a phone log and reviewing last year's budget Excel spreadsheet. He confirmed he wanted to have the most current model and will consult with the Accountant prior to the start of the FY 09 budget timeline. Young said he submitted the insurance claim and all required supporting documentation for the Library furnace. Toth mentioned that the Town Hall septic system needs to be pumped out, and suggested that Young check around to get opinions on who would be best for the job. He also remarked that there is a computer log to be used to note computer issues. Young declared that he intends to start an annual calendar, which would include such things as the dates for reappointments. 3. Town Hall Use - Toth said Lemon sent an Email to Town Counsel; no one has yet seen any response. Young said he will contact other towns to see how similar policies have been crafted. 4. Town Boundary Perambulation - Toth found it necessary to cancel previously planned dates. He and Abbott agreed to meet at 8:30 am at Town Hall on December 1 and 2. Toth stated that he picked up a GPS unit from the Warwick Police Department for use during the perambulation. Young pointed out that the sign being donated to the Town by the Women's Guild has now been staked out. Dig Safe has been notified, and will verify the lack of buried power lines and telephone wires at the site where the sign posts will be set. Abbott sought and received confirmation that the Selectboard Secretary position had been posted. IV. Adjournment Abbott Moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:45 pm. Toth seconded. VOTED. Minutes taken by Rosa Calcari. Approved December 3, 2007.