Town of Warwick Selectboard November 12 2013 Minutes Members present: Dawn Magi, Nick Arguimbau, Patricia Lemon Others present: Town Coordinator David Young, Town Secretary Rosa Fratangelo Calcari, Ernest Horn, Fire Chief Ron Gates, Firefighters Bill Lyman, Mike Mankowsky, Brad Matthews, Brian Miner and Adam Holloway, Police Chief David Shoemaker, Michael Cloukey, Rod Whipple, Helen Whipple, Elaine Brown, Charlie Brown, Larry Carey, Chris Ryan, Jack Cadwell, Karro Frost, Cheryl Townsend, Scott Townsend, Nancy Kilhart, David Koester, Larry Delaney, Mario Tringali, Zak Marti, Jacob Cooke, Ryan Lambert, Jon Calcari, Paula Lundgren Robinson (Athol Daily News) I. Call to Order Chair Magi called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm in Town Hall. Public Comment Jack Cadwell inquired if the Board had a response to the letter written by outgoing Highway Superintendent Tim Kilhart regarding the damage done to the road surface on Gale Road. Young said that the repair to the road did not cost the Town any additional money. Cadwell pointed out that Kilhart had asked that all private work on the road be stopped. Lemon said that the Board had already agreed to do this. Young said that while the final action for next Spring had not yet been taken, the Hurlberts had agreed to stop using the road as of October 17th and had been put in touch with the owners and abutters of the Old Athol Road stub to see if they can use that road next year. Minutes Arguimbau had some issues with item IV.1 of the October 15, 2013 minutes, and there was a consensus of the Board to return to this agenda item later on in the meeting. IV. Presentations and Discussions 1. Recognition of Residents with Many Years of Service to the Town--Magi handed out certificates of recognition to several people with many years of service in various capacities to the Town. Magi read aloud the positions held and the total years of service for all positions held for several of the individuals who were unable to attend the recognition event held on November 2, 2013 as part of the Town's 250th anniversary. Magi honored the following residents, each of whom were handed their certificates by Magi, who thanked each for his or her service to Warwick: Charlie Brown for 25 years of total service to the Town; Albert Alden for 78 years of total service; Janet Alden for 120 years total service in 17 different capacities; Larry Carey for 31 years of total service; Chris Ryan for 64 total years of service; Helen Whipple for 54 years in total; Rod Whipple for 21 years of total service. Young noted that George Day and Arline Lincoln Vanderstelt would be attending the next Board meeting to receive their recognition certificates. Magi thanked the following residents for their special contributions to the November 2nd recognition event: Dana Songer, Ed Hawes and Miryam Williamson, Steve and Janice Kurkoski, Matthew and Kathy Connelly, Dana and Diana Tandy, Jacob Cooke, Beth Gilgun, John Bradford, Kelly Farley, Kerry Cooke, Ted Cady, Laura Bradford, David Young and Gregori Brodski. 2. Appointment to Board of Health until May 2014 Town Election -- Lemon MOVED to appoint Helen Whipple to the Board of Health to serve out Dick Whiting's term until the next town-wide election in May of 2014. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. 3. Highway Department Vacancy--Magi said that Tim Kilhart had resigned as Highway Superintendent to take the DPW Chief position in Hubbardston. Magi said that the options included the appointment of an interim Superintendent and the appointment of a part-time plow truck driver. Lemon said that she thought it best to take Kilhart's advice and appoint current truck driver/laborer Larry Delaney Interim Superintendent for the winter snow and ice season. Lemon MOVED to appoint Larry Delaney as Interim Highway Superintendent. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. Young pointed out that the Accountant is going to want to know the pay rate the Board voted for the Interim Superintendent. The hourly rate calculated based on 75% of the difference between the truck driver/laborer and the outgoing Superintendent rates of pay, which was $21.90 per hour. Lemon MOVED that the Interim Superintendent be hired at a pay rate of 21.90 per hour. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. Lemon MOVED to appoint Brian Miner as part-time and seasonal truck driver/laborer at an hourly pay rate of $16.94 per hour for the duration of the FY 14 winter snow and ice season. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. 4. Chapter 268 Section 20D Exemption --Young explained that the position of truck driver/laborer needs to be designated as special municipal employee and that Brian Miner would need a MGL 268:20D exemption as he is also a firefighter and is contracted by the Town as a private snow plow truck driver. Lemon MOVED to declare the position of truck driver/laborer a special Municipal employee and to grant Brian Miner a Chapter 268 Section 20D ethics exemption so that he may hold the position of firefighter and contract with the Town as a back-up hired truck snow plow owner-operator. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. Magi suggested the formation of a committee for the hiring of the new Highway Superintendent. Jim Toth and Karro Frost had already volunteered to be part of the committee; Magi volunteered to join. Young suggested that the committee review all applications and recommend the top two choices to the Selectboard for interviews in the Spring. 5. Net Metering Credit Purchasing Agreement Assignment--Young explained that Pequoig Energy had sent a letter requesting that the previously executed net metering credit purchase agreement for the solar PV facilities at Adams Farm in Athol now be assigned to Soltas Energy Corporation. He noted that Town Counsel had reviewed the documents. Lemon MOVED to approve the assignment of the Town's executed net metering credit purchase agreement with Pequoig Energy to Soltas Energy Corporation and authorize the Chairman to execute on behalf of the Town. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. 6. Community Innovation Challenge Grant-- Lemon MOVED to authorize Dawn Magi as Board Chair to sign the support forms for the FCRSWD Community Innovation Challenge Grant proposal to recycle agricultural plastics on behalf of the Town. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. 7. Franklin County Fire Service CIC Grant-- Lemon MOVED to authorize the Chairman to sign support forms for the FRCOG Community Innovation Challenge Grant fire service proposal on behalf of the Town. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. 8. FY14 MassDEP Small Scale Initiative Grant-- Arguimbau MOVED to authorize the Chairman to sign the FY 14 MassDEP small scale initiative grant in the amount of $500.00 on behalf of the Town. Lemon SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. 9. Electricity Aggregation with Hampshire COG --Young explained that based on a requirement from the Attorney General's office, each town must have an individual agreement. This electricity aggregation project was approved at a prior Town Meeting. Lemon MOVED that the Selectboard approve the Revised Agreement and draft Petition for Electricity Aggregation with Hampshire COG and authorize the Chairman to sign the revised agreement on behalf of the Town of Warwick. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. 10. Appointment of Fence Viewers-- Lemon MOVED to appoint Brian Miner and Brad Matthews as Fence Viewers for a term beginning today and ending on June 30, 2014. It was mentioned that Rod Whipple had served as Fence Viewer in the past and was familiar with the responsibilities and duties of the position. Lemon MOVED to ask Rod Whipple to serve as mentor to the two new Fence Viewers. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. 11. Warwick Police--Chief Shoemaker said that the Department was still investigating speeding issues and stepping up patrols. He thanked Brian Miner and Michael Gelinas for donating materials for some work being done at the Police Station. The Chief introduced new resident Michael Cloukey and asked that he be appointed as a Police Officer for a term of one year. The Chief noted that the position is governed by the Town's Personnel Policy. He said that Cloukey is a part time Sheriff's Deputy in Franklin County and was well qualified and well trained as a certified police officer. Lemon MOVED that Michael Cloukey be appointed a Police Officer for a term of one year ending on November 12, 2014. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. 12. State Mutual Aid Shelter MOA-- Lemon MOVED to accept the State Mutual Aid Shelter MOA and authorize Dawn Magi to sign the MOA. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. 13. Vacancy on ZBA--Magi announced that there was a vacancy on the Zoning Board of Appeals and that we really need someone to fill the position. Jaylin Dibble recently resigned from the ZBA, creating the current vacancy. 14. Ernest Horn and Fire Department Review--Ernest Horn returned to go over the recommendations he gave in his review a couple of months ago. He said that he had been hearing and seeing positive things. He suggested going through the recommendations individually and having Fire Chief Ron Gates respond with an update on each one. Horn said that the fire hoses should be pressure tested; Chief Gates reported that a company had been hired and came in to perform the tests. He said that he hired the same company that tested the hoses for the New Salem Fire Department, as he wanted someone certified to perform the tests. Horn said that he had heard that everyone was trying to work together; Gates responded that there are still some small difficulties but they can be worked through. The Chief said that the department was pulling back together, and no one had been relieved of duty or left the department. Arguimbau asked if it was time to lift the ban on Coordinator Young speaking with anyone in the Fire Department. Horn said that a good, constructive and respectful relationship between the Town Coordinator and the Fire Chief was necessary. Coordinator Young said that he was here to do his job, and Chief Gates said that he has no problem working with Young; both men were ready to move forward. Horn said that the fire department members should go through the Chief and no one else, and that Young and Gates must communicate effectively with one another. Lemon suggested a policy which is reflected in the motion and vote below. Lemon MOVED that David Young and Ron Gates be directed to consult with each other as needed, and that any Fire Department member who contacts Coordinator Young be referred to Chief Gates, that Chief Gates be told that this person is coming and that Gates will let Young know when that person has come to him. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0 Gates said that he was working on getting the helmets replaced, and that all new turnout coats and pants should be obtained by the end of FY 14, and that helmets and turnout boots would be budgeted after FY 14. Horn suggested that the Chief give the Finance Committee and the Selectboard a list of the helmets and boots that need to be replaced and the estimated cost for replacement. Horn said that this should be done before the end of 2013. Gates said that the ladders would be tested through the county at the beginning of 2014. Horn recommended the establishment of action plans with both long and short term goals that include the desired date for the completion of each goal. He said that the Finance Committee, the Board and the Fire Department members should all be kept apprised of all action plans. Young described action plans as a priority list with target dates. Gates said that accountability tags are on the trucks and that one person outside the building at a fire scene handles the tags. He said that Ryan Lambert, son of former Fire Chief Gunnar Lambert would be asked to work on an action plan for safety Officer. Horn noted that training on the recovery of downed fire fighters is crucial. Horn said that the Chief has a good start on some operational issues and needs to delegate some tasks and have some fire fighters develop various action plans. Horn recommended that the Chief check in every couple of weeks with those developing action plans to keep the work on track. With respect to the lost individual or child policy, Horn said that department members should be involved in the development of the policy. Gates said that he had purchased two GPS units and was going to ask the New Salem Fire Chief to come teach a class and include the Police Chief in this training. Horn said that job descriptions must be developed for the Chief, Deputy Chief, Captain, Lieutenant and Firefighter. Chief Gates said that it can be difficult to tell volunteers that they have to do something. While Horn understood what the Chief was saying, he pointed out that these jobs come with honor and responsibility. Horn said that departmental meetings must be held at least twice a year, as this a very important way for all members of the department communicate, and that when everyone can be heard, it is good for their mental health. Chief Gates said that the monthly meetings provide such an environment. Horn said that by the end of this week there should be a 3-ring binder in the Fire Station for all policies, procedures and SOG's. He said that this binder should always be kept in the same place in the station and that every member of the department must initial each page after reading it. Horn explained that this is a good way to keep everyone updated and the Chief will know that everyone is reading the contents. Horn said that it is important for the Chief to attend seminars whenever time permits. Gates said that he took classes during his vacation time but has no time off left in this calendar year. Horn observed improvement in Gates' public speaking skills; the Chief said that he is getting better at it. Horn asked about capital planning and funding for items that are not covered by grants. Gates said that he has not yet spoken with the Finance Committee; Horn recommended that a liaison from the Fin Comm be assigned to discuss items with the Chief and report back to the Fin Comm. Horn recommended a five year prioritized plan. Chief Gates said that he was looking forward to getting together with his department and see who wants to work on certain plans and projects. Horn said that it will be hard work but the department will end up where it should be. He encouraged the Chief to keep going and build upon the good work that has already been done. Chief Gates asked Horn to come back in a couple of months for an update on the department's progress; Horn agreed to return after the holidays. There was a consensus of the fire fighters present that things are moving forward and going better; all were willing to take a policy and work on it. Bill Lyman thanked Horn for his efforts and praised him for doing an excellent job. Horn said that his report and recommendations were just words, and that the department must now carry forward with the necessary work. Horn said that there must be a good relationship between the Fire Chief and the Selectboard. Magi said that the Board wanted the Chief to succeed and had hired Horn to provide an expert review with recommendations on how to improve things. Horn praised Deputy Roland Weld for his exemplary maintenance of the fire trucks. Everyone thanked Horn for his work and his efforts. After Horn left, Young introduced the newly appointed Interim Highway Superintendent Larry Delaney. Magi asked him how he felt about tandem plowing. Delaney said that he felt that tandem plowing saves time in the long run. He said that tandem plowing is used on Orange, Winchester, Athol, Northfield and Hastings Heights Roads, while the smaller trucks plow the narrower roads. 15. Selectboard Reports-- There were no reports. 16. Coordinator Report--Young said that he would be taking 7 hours off from his Town Coordinator job this week because he worked 7 hours at the Transfer Station this past Saturday due to a tragic death of Transfer Station Attendant George Roaf's young grandson. He also noted that the Town Hall voicemail system was now fixed and working properly. 17. Update on Highway Equipment Garage Insulation Project--Young said that the project received no bids, so Interim Superintendent Larry Delaney agreed that the Highway crew could take on the work as a background winter task. This could extend the budget and allow for completion of the project before Spring. Young said that the materials need to be ordered. 18. Minutes of October 15, 2013--Arguimbau disagreed with the wording of part of item IV.1, and there was no consensus of the Board on the wording, so the approval of these minutes will be taken up at the next meeting. Athol Daily News reporter Paula Lundgren Robinson offered to Email the Board members a copy of her recording of that portion of the meeting. 19. New and Other Items Not Reasonably Anticipated Prior to Posting Notice--Arguimbau brought up an Email sent to the Board by Planning Board member Brad Compton regarding road conditions on Gale Road. Arguimbau said that Compton recommended the placement of logs along the side of the road to halt further erosion of the road surface into the wetlands. This will also be placed on the agenda for the next meeting. V. Adjournment At 8:17 pm, Lemon MOVED to adjourn the meeting. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo Calcari