Town of Warwick Selectboard November 1, 2010 Minutes Members present: Dawn Magi, Patricia Lemon, Nick Arguimbau Others present: Town Coordinator David Young, Town Secretary Rosa Fratangelo Calcari, Broadband and Finance Committee member Les Goodman, Trinitarian Congregational Church Pastor Dan Dibble, Wired West Representative and Broadband Committee member Reva Reck (arrived at 6:25 pm), Jon Calcari, Janet Conover, Jared Robinson (Athol Daily News) I. Call to Order Chair Arguimbau called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. in the Town Hall. II. Public Comment Janet Conover said that she had sent a letter to the Selectboard and Board of Health regarding damage to her car that was caused when the gate at the Transfer Station hit her car as she drove through. The wind was blowing hard enough to cause the gate to swing into Conover's car, resulting in damage to the left side of the vehicle. Her letter, dated October 30, 2010, described the damage to her car, which she told the Board would require a small amount of bodywork to repair. Conover was seeking advice as to the proper procedure for obtaining estimates to have the damage repaired, and will bring an estimate back to the Board. III. Minutes Lemon made two corrections to the minutes: spelling of "Arguimbau" at the top of page 3, and the elimination of the word "briefly" in the first line of 1V.1. Lemon MOVED to accept the minutes of October 18, 2010, with the two corrections. Magi SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. IV. Presentations and Discussions Cultural Council Appointment -- Young explained that the Cultural Council currently has five members, and that Council Chair Tracey Weed has requested that Kasey Rolih be appointed as the sixth member. Arguimbau MOVED to appoint Kasey Rolih to the Warwick Cultural Council for a term ending June 30, 2013. Magi SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. 2. Training Proposal -- Trinitarian Congregational Church Pastor Dan Dibble spoke about the issue of domestic violence, which he noted has spilled into our community. Dibble had written a letter to the Board regarding this issue because several people have asked him what he considered to be an appropriate response to recent incidents in Town. Dibble said that he has been in touch with someone from New England Learning Center for Women in Transition (NELCWIT) regarding education and training for the community. NELCWIT has a program to train communities, but Dibble was uncertain as to what, if any, costs would be involved. He pointed out that domestic violence becomes more likely in these economic times; Arguimbau said that since illnesses are often at the root of the problem, the Board of Health should be contacted regarding possible training as well. Young said that he spoke with Fire Chief Gunnar Lambert, and Police Officer Dave Shoemaker, who is in charge while Police Chief Peters is out of town; both men are very supportive of more expansive training. Magi asked if Dibble could provide some literature from NELCWIT describing the training program in more detail. There was a consensus of the Board for Dibble to take the lead on this, so Pastor Dibble will follow up and bring more information to the Board at the next meeting. 3. Contract: DEP Grant -- Young explained that last year the Town applied for a $500.00 Sustainable Materials Recovery Program Municipal Grant from the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) for recycled copy paper and blue recycling bins. The grant was awarded, and the grant agreement requires the Selectboard Chair's signature. Arguimbau asked Young to Email all staff with purchasing authority to make them aware of the grant and the Town's recycling policy. Lemon MOVED to approve the $500.00 grant agreement with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection and authorize the Selectboard Chair to execute the contract. Magi SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. 4. Broadband -- Warwick's representative to Wired West, Reva Reck, spoke about the October 28th meeting she attended, during which the process and timeline for the formation of the Wired West cooperative and the drafting of by-laws were discussed. She noted that the cooperative must be formed in order to have the legal status for the signing of by-laws. Reck handed Board members a paper detailing the steps for the creation of a municipal lighting plant, which is necessary for the town to be a member of the cooperative.This process would come at no cost to the town, and does not bind Warwick to join the cooperative. Municipal light companies enjoy statutory power to operate telecom enterprises. The town must pass the warrant article that establishes a municipal lighting plant at two town meetings that are no less than 2 months, and not more than 13 months, apart. The possibility of scheduling a special town meeting in February of 2011 was discussed, as this would meet the timetable and allow the second vote to be taken at the Annual Town Meeting on May 2, 2011. The vote would be conducted by a paper ballot and require a 2/3 majority to pass. Reck favors following Wired West's suggested deadline of June 30, 2011 for the establishment of the municipal lighting plant, as this will allow Warwick to be one of the founding members of the Wired West Cooperative Corporation and give us priority in the build-out of the network. Conover suggested that the voters be given as much information as possible with regards to potential costs, funding mechanisms, and any other pertinent considerations. Reck also brought up the two proposed governance structures for the cooperative: one town, one vote or proportional representation. The latter would allow each town one vote per a specific number of households. Broadband Committee member Les Goodman pointed out that this is being put together for the small towns, and favored the one town, one vote plan. Reck also preferred the one town, one vote model. There was a consensus of the Board to consider proportional representation with a model that assures the smaller towns cannot be drowned out by block votes of larger towns. The next topic of discussion was the customer premises equipment (CPE) assistance activity design, for subsidizing low income residents in their acquisition of broadband subscriber modules. A draft of recommended guidelines from the Broadband Committee, with input from David Young, Terry Kemerer, and Ted Cady, was presented to the Board in the meeting packet. Lemon MOVED to adopt the attached policies to implement a one-time customer premises Internet equipment assistance activity. Magi SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. 5. Contract: CDBG Housing Rehab Program Amendment -- Young said that the Selectboard Chair's signature is required on a letter to the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development outlining the proposed program amendments to the FY 2009 Warwick Four-Town housing rehabilitation's financial mechanism. A legal public hearing was held in Warwick on October 25th. Lemon MOVED to authorize Nick Arguimbau to sign the program amendment. Arguimbau SECONDED. Discussion ensued. Arguimbau noted that the changes will not affect those who currently have loans out under this program. Magi said that after attending the informational hearing, she no longer supports the change, noting that this is tantamount to giving away money that should come back to the Town and that we are not in the position to do so. Young recommended signing the agreement, as this program is designed to help low income people. He urged the Board "to do the right thing". Lemon said that she understood from the discussion that while there is a possibility of reducing the tax rate somewhat, the program restrictions would not allow for enough money to do much good. Arguimbau and Lemon called the question simultaneously. Motion carried by a vote of 2-1-0. Lemon and Arguimbau: AYE; Magi: NAY. 6. Selectboard Reports -- Lemon spoke about the green communities informational meeting held in Warwick on October 26th. She said that while we cannot use water power, we could utilize the covered landfill for solar power if the area is large enough. She characterized the meeting as interesting. Magi reported on the FRCOG meeting she attended on October 28th. She gave highlights of the topics covered, including outreach training for ZBA's, approval of the budget, and the request for a link to FRCOG on the Warwick website for the announcement of upcoming meetings. Magi noted that Warwick no longer has to post FRCOG meetings. She also mentioned several new grants: Regional Dispatcher, to study the feasibility of creating a single regional dispatcher; HUD Sustainability, to create a sustainability plan for Franklin County; Geofluminal/geomorphic, a grant to study erosion in the South River; Economic Development Association, for the feasibility of studying industrial development in western MA for Broadband; Online Permitting, to provide software to towns to allow people to apply for, pay for, and get signoff for permits online, including mechanics for linkup, with implementation by July, 2011; Massworks Infrastructure Program, to make implementation of and distribution of grants more efficient and in sync with the highway season. Arguimbau said that he and Planning Board Chair Ted Cady attended a FRCOG meeting with a discussion on MGL 40B and Proposition 2, which calls for the repeal of 40B. A speaker at that meeting said that it is expected that, if 40B is repealed, the legislature will put back its helpful parts and revise and revise the troublesome parts. Regardless of the outcome of the Proposition 2 vote, modification of 40B should result. 7. Coordinator Report -- Young asked if the Board had any questions on his printed report. Lemon said she appreciated Young's written apology. Young said that the letter received from Northfield Emergency Medical Services informed the town that Northfield EMS has started providing primary ambulance services at the basic life support level. This means that Northfield is now able to respond outside the town and may be called as a back-up for mutual aid. Young reminded the Board that the Police Department is offering the opportunity for citizens to ride along. Arguimbau inquired about the Town Hall roof. Young noted that no change order was approved, yet the Town was billed an additional $4,015.00 for an unapproved change order on completion of the roof due to an underestimation of the amount of shingles needed to complete the job. The matter has been referred to Town Counsel, and the Town is paying the original bid amount of $14,600.00. 8. Other Business -- Conover gave an update on her research of the history of CDBG loans to Warwick residents. She requested that the Selectboard send a letter to the FCHRHA requesting information on repaid loans, and handed each Board member a template letter for requesting information from FCRHRA or the State. V. Adjournment At 8:04 pm, Lemon MOVED to adjourn the meeting. Magi SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo Calcari