Town of Warwick Selectboard October 9, 2007 Minutes Members present: Patricia Lemon, Jim Toth, Rick Abbott Others: Rosa Calcari, Dawn Magi, Miryam Williamson, Terry Kemerer, Nicholas Arguimbau, Charlotte Weltzin, Jon Calcari, Al Mexcur I. Call to Order The Meeting called to order at 6:34pm at the Town Hall by Chairman Lemon II. Minutes Toth Moved to approve the minutes of October 1 meeting. Abbott seconded. VOTED. III. Presentations/ Discussions 1. Town Coordinator Job Description - The Board reviewed the job description as compiled by the Personnel Committee and discussed changes in wording and ordering of priorities for the job. Lemon wanted Coordinator to be in the office, preferably for at least three hours, Monday through Friday. Toth acknowledged the desirability of these hours, but expressed concerns that this might limit pool of applicants. Arguimbau suggested more proactive language with regards to the duties of grant writing and administration. Toth wanted to emphasize the basic day-to-day operations and responsibilities of the position, making it the top priority and foundation of the job. Arguimbau questioned who would have the responsibility of performance reviews, and suggested office hours should include one evening per week to help facilitate communication with the public. Lemon suggested that those hours could be added on to the Selectboard meeting evenings. Abbott wanted a report or log of weekly activities and communications. Williamson advised that the Coordinator be given specific responsibilities with clearly defined parameters, which would allow the Board to be less hands-on. Magi pointed out that it is standard language to state the education requirement be Bachelor's degree "or equivalent experience". Williamson questioned the repeated use of "excellent" to describe all required communication skills. Toth cautioned against "setting the bar too high" due to the potential cost of that bar. Once the wording of the job description was revised, the priorities of the position were reordered. Posting of the available position will be placed in the Athol Daily News and Greenfield Recorder, Town Hall, the Warwick-L, and Applications to be sent electronically, with a deadline of October 18, 2007. Applications will be screened by the Board at their October 19 meeting, with interviews to be held at the October 22 meeting. 2. National Guard - Seeks statement of support for those who serve in the National Guard and Reserve "in peace, in crisis, and in war". Attached pledge card states the Town will not discriminate against those who serve. Abbott Moved pledge be signed and mailed in. Lemon seconded. VOTED. Aye: Abbott and Lemon Abstain: Toth 3. Crack Sealing - Athol, Northfield, and Orange Roads. Final payment on project, from Chapter 90 money. Project exceeded original projected amount of $50,000.00; actual amount $51,361.50. Toth Moved to sign-off as requested by Highway Superintendent Tim Kilhart. Abbott seconded. VOTED. 4. Special Town Meeting - Brief discussion of articles, all of which are set to come out of stabilization. Moderator Al Mexcur praised the Finance Committee for its ability to offer the townspeople a studied opinion on each article, along with an accurate report on the Town's finances. After confirming who will give introductory remarks and act as first speaker on the various articles, he verified that STM articles require a nine-tenths vote in order to pass. He believes Zoning articles require a two-thirds vote; Lemon concurred, but will verify with Town Counsel. 5. Town Hall Fire Alarm System - Toth discussed invoice from Greenwood Alarm Company for repairs of damages sustained by the main alarm box and two smoke detectors as a result of the lightning strike on Old Home Days weekend. Town Hall expense account will cover the $2,173.98, which far exceeds the original estimate of $1,000.00. 6. Veterans Monument - Lemon signed contract on Board's behalf from Athol Granite Works. 7. Computers For Sale - Toth read portions of a list from PVRSD, which seeks bids on used computers and equipment. Toth felt paying money for such equipment would be unwise. IV. Public Comment Arguimbau requested an update on the contractor and his work on the Town Clock. He will receive first bill, as he agreed to donate $4,000.00 towards the repairs. He stated his sister and a cousin may also be making donations. Toth again thanked Arguimbau for his generosity. V. Adjournment Toth Moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:34 pm. Abbott seconded. VOTED. Minutes taken by Rosa Calcari