Town of Warwick Selectboard October 5, 2009 Minutes Members present: Rick Abbott, Nick Arguimbau, Patricia Lemon Others present: Town Coordinator David Young, Town Secretary Rosa Fratangelo Calcari, Tax Collector Terry Kemerer, Dawn Magi, Jon Calcari, Paula Robinson (Athol Daily News) Call to Order Chair Arguimbau called to order at 6:02 p.m. in the Town Hall. Minutes Lemon MOVED to approve of the minutes of the September 21, 2009 meeting. Abbott SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. Lemon announced that former longtime Warwick resident Kenneth E. Matthews, Sr. passed away on October 1st. Young said that after the graveside service on Friday, October 9, a family gathering will take place in Town Hall to remember Mr. Matthews. Presentations/Discussions Appointments/Nominations to Vacancies and New Positions -- a number of vacancies and new positions were due to be filled. Lemon MOVED that the Selectboard make the following appointments: Suzanne Renna, 100 Hastings Pond Road, and Deb Paulson, 73 Hastings Pond Road, to three-year terms on the Cultural Council, beginning immediately upon their being sworn in and ending June 30, 2012, one to replace Kerry Stone (who resigned on an unspecified date in 2008) and the other to reduce the likelihood that Warwick will lose Cultural Council funding because the number of members is insufficient to meet state requirements. Martha Morse, 555 Winchester Road, to the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Citizen Advisory Committee for a term beginning immediately upon her being sworn in and continuing through December 31, 2010. Mary Williamson, 31 Bass Road, and Mary Neville Wall, 955 Northfield Road, as Trail Stewards representing the Town of Warwick in the Interior Department's Trail Stewardship program for terms beginning immediately upon their being sworn in and ending June 30, 2012. Francis S. (Sandy) Renna, resident at 100 Hastings Pond Road but not yet registered to vote in Warwick, to a five-year term beginning immediately upon his being sworn in and ending June 30, 2014, as an Alternate on the Zoning Board of Appeals. Barbara Walker, 176 Wendell Road, to a three-year term as a Warwick Community School (WCS) representative to the Buildings and Energy Committee, beginning immediately upon her being sworn in and ending June 30, 2012. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. Lemon acknowledged that Janet Conover had volunteered to serve on the CDBG Citizen Advisory Committee, but it was felt better to appoint an individual who had previously benefited from the program. A letter of thanks will be sent to Ms. Conover. Young said that the remaining vacancies are still being publicized. 2. Selectboard Reports-- Lemon said that she will begin chemotherapy on November 17 and may not be able to do as much extra work for awhile. She also mentioned an informational memo she received from Janet Conover regarding wind power. Abbott said that he attended the FRCOG finance meeting, and noted that Warwick is paying much less for our accounting program than those towns currently using the FRCOF accounting program. 3. Town Coordinator Report-- Young spoke first about some un-permitted seasonal dwelling units. A number of Boards and Town Counsel have been made aware of the situation. He thanked George and Robert Day for their volunteer effort to repair the jug filler on the town fountain. In response to a question from Arguimbau regarding a timeline for the Community Development Strategy, Young said he will already be into the actual work by the next Board meeting. He will be seeking input from such entities as the Recreation Committee and the Arts Council. Arguimbau said that he spoke with an Ethics Commission attorney and was told that Reva Reck and Miryam Williamson are considered Town employees despite the lack of remuneration. Young and Arguimbau will investigate further, to insure that a previous vote to designate Broadband Committee members as Special Municipal employees did in fact take place, and that all proper procedures be followed. Lemon brought up the subject of moving the Selectboard meeting to the Library for the cold weather months. It was agreed upon that meetings will convene at the Library beginning Monday, November 2nd. Young spoke about the WCS sprinkler system. He said that he wanted to hire an architect to help with proposals. He said $4,000.00 remains in the budget, which can be used to develop request for proposals, and sought a consensus of the Board to use $4,000.00 for request for proposals. All concurred that a resolution to the sprinkler situation is imperative. 4. New and Other Business -- Tax Collector Terry Kemerer gave the Board an update on the collection of taxes for FY 10. He said that the preliminary FY 10 taxes were due October 1, and that all unpaid taxes are now subject to 14% interest. He reported that 100% of the personal property taxes had been paid, while 89% of the dollar value on real estate taxes has also been paid. Kemerer said that 98 tax bills are still outstanding. He noted that Wells Fargo has historically been problematic with its escrow accounts, and pointed out that 10 of the outstanding tax bills are escrow accounts held by Wells Fargo. IV. Public Comment None. V. Adjournment Arguimbau MOVED to adjourn the meeting at 6:59 pm. Lemon SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo Calcari