Town of Warwick Selectboard October 27, 2014 Minutes Members present: Nick Arguimbau, Dawn Magi, Patricia Lemon Others present: Town Coordinator David Young, Town Secretary Rosa Fratangelo Highway Superintendent Larry Delaney, Building Inspector Phil Delorey, Local Building Inspector Roland Jean, Jr., Fire Chief Ron Gates, Firefighters Bill Lyman and Mike Mankowsky, Police Chief David Shoemaker, Jim Hawkins (FRCOG), Planning Board Chair Ted Cady, Treasurer Beth Gilgun, Jon Calcari I. Call to Order Chair Arguimbau called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm in Town Hall. Bill Lyman recorded the meeting. II. Public Comment Planning Board Chair Ted Cady said that he had received three copies of the maps that show the proposed path of the pipeline as it goes over various types of land. Cady said that he would speak with Librarian Nancy Hickler to have one copy available at the Library; Young suggested a second copy be kept in the Town Clerk's office. III. Minutes Highway Superintendent Larry Delaney had some corrections for the IV. 3 item in the October 14, 2014 minutes. There was a consensus of the Board to have the corrections entered and the minutes voted on at the next meeting. IV. Presentations and Discussions 1. Highway Department--Larry Delaney gave a report on the 2014 Winter Roads Rapid Recovery Program (Pothole Grant) project. He said that the project commenced on May 29, 2014 and ended on September 25, 2014. He listed the roads worked on: Athol Road, Flower Hill Road, Orange Road, Northfield Road, Quarry Road, Revere Hill Road, Winchester Road, Wendell Road. He noted that part of a load getting too cool to use was put on Mt. Grace Avenue, and another part of a load getting too cool to use was placed on Garage Road. He said that 306.76 tons of hot mix asphalt were used, at a cost of $20, 859.68. He noted that rental of a roller cost $4,170.00 and the cost of gas for the roller came in at $106.44. One load of hard pack was used, at a cost of $290.00. Delaney said that a total of 485.5 man hours of Highway Department labor at a cost of $8,743.46. Delaney said that the total project cost was $34,169; $34,147 paid for by grant funds and the remaining $22.60 came from the Highway Department budget. Delaney said that the new sander truck has had issues since delivery last Spring. He said that the truck was not operational until July after several repairs were made. He noted that during a recent test the sander did not work properly. All repair work is covered by warranty, but it takes Delaney time to travel back and forth to Worcester. Young said to document everything well; Delaney concurred and said that he had been doing that right along. Young said that the Board promoted Larry Delaney almost six months ago, and that once his probationary period ends he should be compensated at the rate former Highway Superintendent Tim Kilhart was paid prior to his departure. Lemon MOVED that Highway Superintendent Larry Delaney be at the same hourly rate Tim Kilhart was paid, effective once the six month probationary period has ended. Magi SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. Young said that he had suggested either eliminating or raising the cap on accrued compensatory time for Highway workers. Delaney said that per Selectboard policy the current cap is 60 hours. Lemon said that eliminating the cap would provide Delaney with more flexibility in supervising his crew. Lemon MOVED to rescind the policy that caps compensatory time that a Highway employee can accrue. Magi SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. 2. Building Department Options--Young had researched building inspection options in an effort to cut rather than add cost, and had recommended that the Board consolidate the department under the FRCOG building inspection program. The current Building Inspector pay is $9,600.00, while FRCOG would charge the Town $3,500.00 for building, wiring, plumbing and gas. Building Inspector Phil Delorey expressed concern that paying the newly appointed Local Building Inspector from an expense line was not proper. The $1,000.00 annual pay was not in the FY 15 budget; Lemon pointed out that other departments, such as Treasurer and Tax Collector, had to pay assistants from their own pay until a line item is approved at Town Meeting. She also said that we should consider FRCOG if the cost is lower. Delorey said that he was not comfortable with the way things were settled at the last meeting. Young said that per Town Counsel, Delorey's concern for the propriety of using an expense line for pay was founded, as this was not the correct use of such funds. Delorey said that he was looking to retire at some point in the future, possibly as early as May of 2015. Magi said that she wanted to persuade Delorey to stay on as an hourly employee to finish out the Wagon Wheel case. Young said that Delorey was very competent, but the $3,500.00 cost of FRCOG for all services versus $9,600.00 for just the Building Inspector salary was something to look at. Arguimbau said that he would rather keep Delorey and pay the $9,600.00 appropriated by Town Meeting. Ted Cady asked if the Building Inspector salary was covered by fees collected for various permits. Delorey explained that fees collected vary from year to year, and that he employs the same fee schedule here as he does in Wendell and New Salem. Cady said that due to the legal proceedings with Wagon Wheel, both the Planning Board and ZBA prefer the current Building Inspector stay on at least until the court case is settled. Cady pointed out that opposing attorney could use a change in the status of our building inspector to claim the Town's lack of support for the current Inspector's actions, which would not be the case at all. Young said that the court case is likely to drag on and could take at least a couple of years to be settled, and agreed that any time Delorey spends on the Town's behalf must be fairly compensated. Delorey said that he appreciated the support and kind words, but he serves at the pleasure of the Selectboard and would be fine with any decision they made. Magi said that she did not want Delorey to be let go and wanted him to stay on at least until his retirement and be an hourly employee until the Wagon Wheel case is settled. Delorey said that everything is just a conversation at this point. Lemon MOVED to table the matter until the next meeting at least. Magi SECONDED. Delorey said that he was fine with paying Roland Jean out of his salary for time earned, and that he wanted a conversation before the job was simply terminated, which is why he attended this meeting. FRCOG's Jim Hawkins said that FRCOG keeps all fees, and that their fee structure is higher than Warwick's current one. He said that while Warwick charges $60 per square foot, FRCOG charges $150.00. Arguimbau CALLED THE QUESTION. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. Cady suggested that the economics may not be as simple as they appear, and that an economic analysis comparing salaries and fees would be appropriate. Delorey said that he would have that comparison report for a typical year using figures from Warwick and FRCOG. 3. Warwick Police Department--Chief Shoemaker said that he was in the process of conducting annual employee evaluations for his department, and asked that the Selectboard do one for him as well. The Chief said that this would allow him to see how the Board perceives how his job is being done. Magi inquired about the break-in situation in Town. The Chief said that there have been two in the recent past, one of which was handled by the State Police because there was no officer available in Town. Arguimbau noted that he had a theft from his house to report and would do so outside of this meeting. Execution of Contracts-- Lemon MOVED to accept the Mass DEP Material Recovery Grant for $500.00, with thanks. Magi SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. Magi MOVED to accept the Mass Cultural Counsel grant in the amount of $4,300.00 and to authorize the Chair to sign on behalf of the Town. Lemon SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. 5. CDBG Housing Rehab and Public Social Service Application--Young said he wanted to have a brief brain storming session on our community development strategy. Lemon said that her priorities were recreation and the arts. Young noted that the store and the associated house were foreclosed on and the former owner was evicted, so the property could be available to the Town. Arguimbau said that he would like to see the store reopened, and that he wanted input from the public. Young said that a hearing would need to be scheduled, preferably during a Selectboard meeting. He also said that a planning or social service activity should be explored. His ideas included reuse of the store, further broadband adoption among low income residents of Town or to deploy broadband to low income residents of Warwick and surrounding towns. Cady said that in the past a high priority was placed on having a meeting place for the kids to hang out, or a senior gathering place as ways to promote socializing. Lemon said that she would like to see a conversation about this on the "L". Magi pointed out that we have tried to set up meetings and activities such as the Gathering Place, but that attendance is always low. Bill Lyman said that he would love to see a business take over the store, something with a niche like antiques, but that there is not enough traffic to sustain most businesses. A hearing date of November 24th was informally discussed. Lemon said that she would put something on the "L" to start the conversation and gather input and ideas. Lemon MOVED to set a public hearing on the CDBG Application for November 24, 2014 during the Selectboard meeting, and to table a discussion of a meeting place until there has been further discussion on the "L". Magi SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. 6. Election Worker Appointments--The Town Clerk had requested that four more election workers be appointed by the Board. Lemon MOVED to appoint Kasey Rolih, Kady Woods, Jessica Foote and Chris Duerring as Election Workers for a term to expire August 31, 2015. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. 7. Firemen's Association--Firefighter Mike Mankowsky said that the wire issue had been resolved, that the pole has been moved, and there should be a better idea by week's end of how things will be proceeding. Young said that it would be early Spring, if not this Fall. Arguimbau asked to have this item put on the agenda in four weeks. Lemon asked if it would be possible to receive progress reports. Mankowsky volunteered to provide the Board with regular updates. A conceptual drawing will be part of the next discussion. Young noted that permits need to be applied for no less than one month ahead of next year's softball tournament. The firemen present agreed that permitting issues will be taken care of correctly in the future. Chief Gates reported that the newer engine that was given to the Fire Department by the State has a piston ring issue that will require repair. Mankowsky said that there was also a fuel issue in the tanker. 8. Upcoming Meetings--Young said that if at least two Board members attend any of the upcoming meetings that it will have to be posted as a Selectboard meeting. At least two members intend to attend the FERC meeting on November 6th. There will be a PVRSD budget meeting, the exact date and time of which has not yet been determined, and at least two Board members expressed a desire to attend. Magi plans to attend the Veterans District Reorganization meeting on November 13th, and Young said that he and John Bradford will attend the MBI meeting on November 5th. 9. Broadband Report --Young said that a radio system will be placed on the Town Hall roof next week. He noted that a resident took exception to his billing and collections procedures with respect to WBS. Young explained that he employs the standard financial practice of applying a payment to the oldest outstanding invoice. He said that within a few weeks a statement will accompany the invoice sent to each WBS subscriber. Young estimated that about 5 hours of each work week are spent on broadband, most of which is compensated through the $100.00 per week from the Broadband enterprise fund. 10. Correspondence--Young said that he had received a letter from the Northwestern District DA, and that the Town is owed $895.00 from the person who was found to be illegally dumping on Hastings Heights Road. He noted that the money will go to the Transfer Station enterprise fund, which absorbed the cost of trash removal. Young also showed the Board members a letter from the Athol Selectboard that was sent to the Inspector General asking that Soltas's business practices with the Towns of Athol, Petersham and Warwick be investigated. Young hoped that the Attorney General's office might also look at this from the perspective of municipalities. Young also had two letters for the green communities application, which clarify our compliance with criteria #4, and asked that the Board authorize the Chair to sign both letters. Lemon MOVED to authorize Nick Arguimbau to sign on behalf of the Board two clarifying letters for the Green Communities Criteria #4, and delegate to the Coordinator the choice of which letter to send. Magi SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. 11. Selectboard Reports--Lemon said that the Fire Department did a remarkable job of getting her to the meeting and were waiting to take her back home. 12. Coordinator Report--There was nothing offered outside of the written report. 13. New and Other Items Not Reasonably Anticipated Prior to Meeting Posting--None. V. Adjournment At 7:45 p.m., Lemon MOVED to adjourn. Magi SECONDED. Motion CARRIED 3-0-0. Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo