Town of Warwick Selectboard October 24, 2007 Minutes Members present: Patricia Lemon, Jim Toth, Rick Abbott Others: Rosa Calcari, Dawn Magi, Miryam Williamson, Jon Calcari. I. Call to Order The Meeting was called to order at 6:37pm at the Town Hall by Chairman Lemon. II. Reading of the Minutes Toth MOVED to approve the minutes of the October 22 meeting as amended. Abbott seconded. VOTED. III. Presentations/ Discussions 1. Town Clock Update - Toth reported that eight damaged teeth were found on one gear. Phillip d'Avanza is searching for a replacement part from a dismantled clock; the expected time frame is about two weeks. 2. Town Hall Use Policy - Discussion arose from recent requests for Town Hall rental by non-governmental entities. The need to refine the policy was acknowledged, and it was agreed to schedule a hearing for 7 p.m. during the Selectboard meeting on November 5. 3. WCS Sprinkler Update - Dobbert Heating notified the Board via Kevin Courtney that the parts are now in and they are scheduling the work in the near future. 4. Asbestos and the old Center School - Discussion stemmed from Warwick Fire Department's attempt to verify that the old Center School has been certified asbestos free preparatory to demolition. Toth found a 1990's-era proposal to remove asbestos piping. Treasurer Dana Robinson confirmed that the town did pay for those services. All asbestos should have been removed from the areas contracted for removal. A second firm most likely would have conducted subsequent air quality tests, but it cannot be confirmed that this was ever done. A current survey of the building is needed, with samples to be taken from areas likely to have had asbestos contamination. A certificate would be issued once the building passed the tests. Lemon asked what the survey might cost. Toth estimated that it would be between $2,000.00 and $3,000.00, but wanted confirm the figures before giving a definitive answer. Williamson inquired how close the Fire Department is to doing something with the building. Toth replied that Fire Chief Gunner Lambert told him the Firemen's Association has the funds necessary to either demolish or build, but not both. Were the Town to take on the demolition costs, the Firemen's Association can begin building sooner. 5. Clean Energy Technology meeting - Lemon, Toth, Dan Dibble, and Janice and Steve Kurkoski will attend the meeting on Thursday, November 8 at the US Fisheries and Wildlife Building in Hadley. 6. Legislative Breakfasts - Lemon and Toth will attend the MMA meeting in Gardner on Friday, October 26. 7. Low-Battery Alarm at Town Hall - Toth reported that the Town Hall alarm panel had signaled Alarm Central at 2:30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 23. The control box for the alarm system emits a periodic warning "beep" to indicate a problem, and attendees at the Beaver presentation had heard it. Shelburne Control called Lemon at 7:30 a.m. this morning, whereupon Lemon called Toth, who checked the control box and discovered a "no-battery" reading. Toth called Greenwood Alarm. The company sent two repairmen who, spent four hours dismantling and reassembling the panel in repeated attempts to solve the problem. Due to the complexity of the issues, the panel was completely replaced. Because the panel had been replaced just two months ago, after the lightning strike on Old Home Days weekend, Toth said he hopes this work will be covered under warranty and no bill will be issued. He will update the Board when necessary. 8. Hettie Belle Lane Update - Surveyor Ed Muszynski left a message for the Board stating that he will be up to stake the bounds later this week. With assistance from the Highway department, stakes will be placed to serve as temporary boundaries. 9. Appointment of new Town Coordinator - Lemon reported that Beth Anderson had withdrawn her name from consideration. Toth said he felt Anderson's reasons might be negotiable, while Abbott expressed his desire to persuade Anderson to reconsider. Toth noted that Anderson indicated that she would not reconsider at this time. Toth MOVED to appoint Allen Mexcur Town Coordinator. Abbott seconded. VOTE CALLED: Toth - Aye. Abbott - Nay. Lemon Abstained. VOTE FAILED. Abbott Moved to appoint David Young Town Coordinator. Lemon seconded. VOTE CALLED: Abbott - Aye. Lemon - Aye. Toth - Nay. VOTED. Lemon then MOVED to offer the Town Coordinator position to David Young for six months. There being no second, the motion DIED. After discussion of parliamentary issues, review of Warwick personnel policies revealed a six-month probationary period. Toth suggested Lemon consult with Town Counsel and seek his advice. Magi inquired if the Coordinator position had been classified as exempt from the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act. Lemon said she would also check with Town Counsel on that matter. Young's appointment letter will be written after consulting with Town Counsel. Start date of the appointment: December 1, 2007. Toth stated he felt offering a contract for this position would be disadvantageous to the Town. Discussion arose as to the sequence of events and it was determined that the previous vote properly should have been simply to offer the position with a later vote to appoint if Young accepts the offer. Lemon MOVED to Reconsider Vote to appoint David Young. Abbott seconded. VOTED. Lemon MOVED to Rescind Previous Vote to appoint David Young. Abbott seconded. VOTED. Abbott MOVED to offer Town Coordinator position to David Young commencing December 1, 2007. Lemon seconded. VOTED. 10. Town Budget FY 08 - Lemon reported that the most current update included the expected FY 08 tax rate, but Chris Ryan had advised her not to make the figure public until it is finalized by Commonwealth approval of the Recap, which will not happen until the FY 07 books are closed and the Schedule A is filed with the State. IV. Adjournment Lemon MOVED to adjourn the meeting at 8:29 pm. Toth seconded. VOTED. Minutes taken by Rosa Calcari and approved on November 11, 2007.