Town of Warwick Selectboard October 22, 2007 Minutes Members present: Patricia Lemon, Jim Toth, Rick Abbott. Others: RosaCalcari, Dawn Magi, Miryam Williamson, Janice Kurkoski, Kristy Delfausse, Jon Calcari, Regina Curtis, Charlotte Weltzin, Beth Anderson, David Young, Allen Mexcur, Amanda Majewski I. Call to Order The Meeting was called to order at 6:31pm at the Town Hall by Chairman Lemon. II. Minutes Toth MOVED to approve the minutes of the October 9 meeting as written. Abbott seconded. VOTED. Toth MOVED to approve the minutes of the October 19 meeting as amended. Abbott seconded. VOTED. III. Presentations/ Discussions 1. State Agency for Federal Surplus Property - Lemon stated that Warwick has been signed up as a qualified bidder on Federal surplus property. 2. Town Clock - Toth wanted it recorded that George Day brought to his attention that David Graff had bid $10,000.00 with an additional $2,500.00 to install an optional timing mechanism, This serves to correct the minutes of the September 10 meeting as published in the October Community Newsletter. 3. Town Coordinator Candidate Interviews - The Board interviewed four candidates for the position: Beth Anderson, David Young, Allen Mexcur, and Amanda Majewski. Beth Anderson stated that she studied the Selectmen's Handbook, and sees the Town Coordinator as participating in most every activity listed. She is currently a computer software analyst, and has experience in both the private and public sectors as a personnel manager. She has administrative and grant writing experience in a variety of applications. She is looking to this job in Warwick to utilize her range of skills. Abbott inquired about purchasing experience, which she said she has. Lemon asked Anderson what she finds most difficult about personnel management. She replied that it can be hard getting people to see she is trying to help and do what is right for the organization. Toth and Abbott asked about the Town Secretary duties; Anderson stated she would be willing to assume those duties if a permanent secretary is not hired. In response to Toth's question of how she would handle interruptions, Anderson said she would take notes, and think about matters even when not on the job. Toth asked how flexible she would be with the varying demands of the job within the 20 hours per week of this salaried position, Anderson stated she sees no real slack time in the job, and expects budget season to require a full time commitment. Toth wanted to know how she would handle turnover in Board membership, especially if new members are unaware of laws. Anderson said she would educate by pinpointing the misunderstanding, reviewing the relevant facts, and seek help from Town Counsel if necessary to insure proper actions on the part of the individual, thereby keeping the Town protected. Toth asked about building maintenance; Anderson said she would need someone to go over areas of potential problems so she could develop a schedule of routine maintenance. Magi asked Anderson to detail any experience with developing budgets, which she confirmed she has in areas other than municipal finance. Abbott asked how Anderson sees the relationship between the Coordinator and the Board. She defined the relationship as being organizational and managerial. She said she would provide technical support by getting answers for questions, while being resourceful in supporting the needs of people in the performance of their jobs. Anderson asked the Board what it envisions the next three months will hold. Toth cited budget season, refining the filing system, and working with the Chair on the meeting agendas. When Anderson asked what each Board member sees as important for the Coordinator, Lemon listed communication within the Town, daily updates, and stroking people's egos on occasion. Toth wanted strong organizational skills, solid performance of day to day activities, and the lack of any personal agendas. Abbott defined the Coordinator as a conduit to the Board, a person who keeps things going, gets bills paid, and motivates people. David Young has been self employed for the past seven years in the antiques and collectibles field. He also has many years experience in the non profit sector, having founded and managed a non profit organization. His current business allows for a flexible schedule that can accommodate the requirements of the Coordinator position. Young said that he has confidence that the state of the Town is good, and he looks forward to the challenges of the job. Lemon asked how Young feels about being detail oriented, to which he responded he is comfortable with it. Young cited his strengths as being able to deal well with the public, being quick on his feet, and possessing a strong memory with a great deal of recall. His current work demands intensive computer use, along with scheduling and maintaining inventories, which are skills he would bring to the Coordinator position. Lemon asked Young how he feels about supervising others, to which he replied that while is comfortable with it, he is not a micro manager. He stated his approach is to urge others to organize and achieve , and that he would always be willing to assist when necessary. Lemon asked what would happen if he thought he had communicated something to someone then found out otherwise. Young said he would begin with the assumption that he had been unclear, then speak with the individual, evaluate the situation, and express the specifics in writing if necessary. He stressed that he would keep things friendly, be clear, and provide a feedback loop. In response to Lemon's question of what he sees as the most important function of the Coordinator, Young stated that he would be the frontline for the Town and the Board's representative to the Town. Abbott asked about Young's purchasing experience, which he stated he has in private business, non profit management, and government procurement. Abbott asked how Young would bring more grants to the Town. He said he would develop a strategic plan rather than just chasing money. His top priorities for grants would be internet connectivity, preserving historical treasures including buildings and town history, and the natural environment. Young advocated exploring all options and cultivating input from involved citizenry. Toth questioned how Young would, giving his lengthy background with the Town, keep his own agendas in check while working with various Boards. He responded that because the Coordinator is a representative of the Town, he would readily abdicate his role as "swizzle stick", and would gladly sacrifice any personal agendas. Toth inquired about Young's experience with setting up and maintaining digital and paper filing systems. Young said he has some experience, and in this job he would develop conventions and institute them. In response to Toth's question of how he would envision the Town Secretary role, Young stated he would want to take on these duties himself, in part because it would give him more insight into those for whom he works. Young concluded that he is great at multi-tasking, and wanted the Board to know of his experience with analysis, reports, and conducting feasibility studies. He reminded the Board of his entrepreneurial activities, and also reiterated his ability to be flexible with his schedule. Allen Mexcur expressed appreciation to the Board for the opportunity to interview for the Town Coordinator position. He stated how proud he is to be a citizen of Warwick, due in part to governmental affairs being run with a great amount of participation from the residents. Mexcur said he would consider it an honor and a privilege to serve as the Coordinator. He described himself as a collaborator and team member, one who would handle the job by listening, learning, and servicing. Mexcur listed among his strengths the ability to encourage and bring out the best in people. He stated his interpersonal skills are strong, and he possesses good judgment. Mexcur pointed out his experience with scheduling, filing, agendas, budgets, and personnel issues. He detailed his thirty six years as an educator, and stated he wants to be a part of the practice of town government after decades of teaching the theory. Mexcur said he is intrigued with the complexities of the Coordinator job, which fits well with his seeking a challenging part time position. He envisions the Coordinator to be a team member who follows directions and works for and with the Selectboard. Mexcur acknowledged he is deficient in computer skills, but was quick to point out his maturity, motivation, and commitment to curing any deficiencies on his own time. Lemon asked what issue he would want to address first, to which Mexcur replied that because policy making is for the Board, he would have the Selectmen send him to research an issue, which would allow him to ask the right questions of the right people. It would be his duty to report potential problems or conflicts to the Board. As "nothing done well is done quickly", Mexcur foresees a three to six month learning curve marked by meticulous organization. When asked by Toth about the Town secretary duties, Mexcur said he would be willing to take the Board meeting minutes. When Lemon asked if he has written grant proposals, Mexcur replied that he had been involved, but was not the lead writer, for several grants. He also said he did have some experience with administering grants. In closing, Mexcur stated that his greatest skills involve working with people. He stressed that his top priority, motivation, and focus will always be the Town of Warwick and its best interests. He also said that if he is chosen to be the Coordinator, he will not seek reelection as the Moderator. Amanda Majewski spoke of her municipal experience in Pelham, and her current job for Head Start in Springfield. Majewski stated that she completed six months of training in computer database systems from STAM (Small Town Administrators of Massachusetts), and received an award for maintaining the Pelham town website. She stated she feels she has experience in most all areas of the Coordinator job. She sought a definition of the job from the Board. Toth responded that he sees the job as having administrative responsibilities without significant supervisory requirements. Majewski said that while her current job in Springfield allows for some flexibility, weekend and evening hours would work best in Warwick, at least for the next six months. Lemon inquired if she has experience with maintaining schedules and budgets, to which Majewski replied she does from her work at Head Start. She stated she has no experience in grant writing or administration, but she does have experience with filing systems. She said it was up to her to devise solutions to numerous problems while working in Pelham, and mentioned that she trained her successor there. She identified as her greatest strengths the ability to manage time and attain goals while being highly organized, hard working and independent. Toth asked how she would go about fulfilling the needs of building maintenance. Majewski said she had never dealt with this in the past, so she would look to the Board to seek opinions and ask questions. Lemon inquired whether she had faced any difficult personnel issues. Majewski detailed a situation with a very difficult coworker who caused her problems that led in part to her leaving the job in Pelham. She mentioned that she has not had supervisory responsibilities, stating instead that her work has been more collaborative in nature. Majewski asked the Board what it is looking for in a Coordinator. Abbott said he expected the Coordinator to handle queries, purchase things, and follow directives. Toth again stressed the day to day administrative responsibilities. Majewski said she has handled all of those things in the past and is one to get things done on time. Magi inquired about Majewski's budget experience; she stated that she prepared the budget in Pelham. Williamson asked about early jobs listed on her resume. Majewski stated that her past internship and work experience has gained her many contacts in Franklin County. At the conclusion of the interviews, Lemon declared that she is convinced any of the four candidates would do a good job. Delfausse said she was not convinced. Williamson asked what the hiring process would be. Lemon said the decision would be made after a discussion at the Board meeting October 24. Lemon reiterated her pleasure at having such good candidates, saying she has gained new appreciation for each of them. Those who were present for the interviews were asked to hand in comment sheets for the Board's consideration. IV. Adjournment Toth MOVED to adjourn the meeting at 8:47 pm. Abbott seconded. VOTED. Minutes taken by Rosa Calcari