Town of Warwick Selectboard October 19, 2009 Minutes Members present: Rick Abbott, Nick Arguimbau, Patricia Lemon Others present: Town Coordinator David Young, Town Secretary Rosa Fratangelo Calcari, Jon Calcari Call to Order - Chair Arguimbau called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Town Hall. I. Minutes Abbott MOVED to approve of the minutes of the October 5, 2009 meeting as written. Lemon SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. II. Presentations/Discussions 1. Selectboard Reports -- Lemon mentioned receiving a memo from Buildings and Energy Committee member Janice Kurkoski regarding a Greening Your Community meeting to be held in Hadley on October 29. Lemon said she may attend; Abbott will be unable to attend; Arguimbau may be attending. A letter of appreciation to Janet Conover for her willingness to serve on the Community Development Block Grant Advisory Committee was presented to the Board members. Lemon gave the promised letter of appreciation to Arguimbau for his signature. Arguimbau noted that he is keeping a close eye on the situation involving several un-permitted dwellings. The Board discussed the evidentiary process with respect to hearings, and by consensus agreed to authorize the Chair and Town Coordinator to have a discussion with Town Counsel. 2. Town Coordinator Report -- Lemon MOVED to declare the Power America Model #1340 and Craftsman High Pressure Washer/Cleaning System as surplus property. Abbott SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. Young said that the Chestnut Hill Road bridge lumber order is stalled while the vendor tries to obtain white oak timbers. Kilhart does not consider red oak an acceptable substitute as it will not last. If the wood cannot be delivered soon, the bridge may have to be closed for the entire winter. Lemon wanted it noted in the minutes that Tim Kilhart has been appointed to the executive committee of the Tri County Highway Association. As Clerk of the Selectboard, Lemon's signature is required on the Verizon and Nation Grid petitions for 17 new jointly owned poles on Hastings Heights Road and two jointly owned poles on Athol Road. Arguimbau MOVED that the board approve the Verizon and Nation Grid petitions for 17 new jointly owned poles on Hastings Heights Road and two jointly owned poles on Athol Road, as amended based on representations made at pole hearings and set forth in the minutes of September 18, 2009. Lemon SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. Board members signed as required. The Board reviewed the FY 09 Community Development Strategy Project List. Young asked for suggestions to add to the list. Lemon suggested tennis courts, senior elderly housing, increased security and handicapped accessibility along with better maintenance in the Historical Society Building. Young wanted continued modernization and expansion of broadband, enhancement of the view from atop Mt. Grace, upgrading the heat and air system at the WCS, and basketball courts. R. Calcari suggested a small animal shelter so that future Animal Control Officers will have a facility designed for animal care and not be required to keep strays at their house or on their property. Arguimbau suggested adding the proposed goals set forth in the Open Space and Recreation Plan as recently presented, but questioned enhancement of the view from atop Mt. Grace, which is not in town jurisdiction. III. New and Other Business -- Lemon MOVED to authorize the Chair to execute the Cultural Council grant contract in the amount of $4,000.00. Abbott SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. IV. Public Comment -None. V. Adjournment Lemon MOVED to adjourn the meeting at 6:59 pm. Arguimbau SECONDED. Motion carried by a vote of 3-0-0. Minutes taken by Rosa Fratangelo Calcari