Town of Warwick Selectboard October 19, 2007 Minutes Members present: Patricia Lemon, Jim Toth, Rick Abbott Others: Rosa Calcari, Miryam Williamson, Gloria Varno, Jon Calcari, Terry Kemerer I. Call to Order The Meeting was called to order at 6:36pm at the Town Hall by Chairman Lemon II. Presentations/ Discussions 1. Town Coordinator Candidates - The Board reviewed the five applications received for the position. Three applicants, Beth Anderson, Alan Mexcur, and David Young, reside in Warwick. Amanda Majewski and Lynne Lennon are not residents of Town. Lemon stated she definitely wished to interview all three Warwick candidates. The fourth person presented as a qualified candidate, while the fifth was deemed to be less qualified than the rest. Varno suggested telephone interviews to possibly narrow the field of candidates to be interviewed October 22. Toth Moved not to interview Lynne Lennon. Lemon seconded. VOTED. Lemon expressed concern that the position does not pay enough to justify someone commuting from any distance. Toth concurred that the job does not offer professional pay, but rather more of a "glorified stipend". Williamson pointed out that a learning curve could be avoided by going with a candidate from Town. Lemon will conduct a telephone interview with Majewski, in which the stipend will be discussed. The Board then conferred about the actual interview process. Lemon wanted each candidate to offer an opening statement, which would allow them to demonstrate how they view the position and declare why they are a good match for the job and vice versa. The previous format of an identical set of questions posed to each applicant was abandoned, as it limits opportunities for follow-up. The format agreed upon was an opening statement followed by questions formulated by each Board member. Thirty minutes will be allotted each candidate, with the first interview beginning at 6:45 pm. The possibility of not being able to make a decision at the October 22 meeting was considered. The potential need for a second meeting for the purpose of further discussion prior to a vote to offer the position was acknowledged. Under the assumption that it could be cancelled if unneeded, Lemon Moved to post the announcement of a Selectboard meeting on Wednesday, October 24 at 6:30 pm. Toth seconded. VOTED. 2. Massachusetts Municipal Association legislative breakfasts on Friday, October 26 - Toth plans to go to the one in Gardner, to be attended by Senator Weaver and Representative Donelan, while Lemon will go to the one in Northampton. 3. Franklin County Selectmen's Association Meeting - Thursday, November 15, 2007. Toth and Abbott will attend; Lemon will be away. 4. PILOT payment - The Town received $1,692.97 as payment in lieu of taxes from logging state forest land in FY07. 5. Transfer from Reserve Fund - Request for a transfer of $17.38 to the Veterans Services and Benefits Account, which has a zero balance. One veteran currently receives $668.00 per month. Until this veteran is removed from the rolls, monthly transfers will need to be authorized. It was noted that Accountant Barrett had suggested the Howard Poor Fund as a possible source for the necessary revenues. Finding nothing in the BoS files about this fund, Toth spoke with Janet Alden, Town Accountant/Treasurer when the fund was last used. Alden recollected that it was supposed to be used for residents of "Upper Warwick," of whose location no one seems to be certain, so she believed they could not be used for this purpose. Lemon reported that former Town Counsel Les Black, who researched the Fund years ago, did not remember much about the results of his inquiries but promised to pass on anything he might find in his papers. Lemon offered to get in touch with the Franklin County Probate Court about the possibility of obtaining the papers related to this fund so as to have it available for future reference. Toth Moved to authorize the BoS to request that the Finance Committee transfer $17.38 to the Veterans' Services and Benefits Account. Abbott seconded. VOTED. III. Public Discussion: Jon Calcari asked selectmen to declare any personal relationships with Town Coordinator applicants. All were acquainted, but without personal relationships, with local candidates. None had even met the fourth candidate, Amanda Majewski. IV. Adjournment Toth Moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:24 pm. Abbott seconded. VOTED. Minutes taken by Rosa Calcari