Town of Warwick Selectboard Minutes October 1, 2007 Members present: Rick Abbott, Jim Toth, Patricia Lemon Others: Jeannette Fellows, Rosa & Jon Calcari, Chris Ryan, Dawn Magi, Miryam Williamson, Bruce Kilhart I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:31 p.m. at the Town Hall by Chairman Lemon. II. Minutes Toth Moved to approve the minutes of the September 24 meeting as amended. Lemon seconded. VOTED. III. Presentations/Discussions 1. Special Town Meeting - The Board reviewed the warrant. Toth Moved to close and sign the STM warrant for the Oct. 15 meeting. Lemon seconded. VOTED. Following a conversation with the accountant, Toth suggested funding the articles with transfers from Capital Stabilization Fund. 2. FRTA representative Lemon Moved to appoint Jim Toth as Warwick's rep to FRTA until 6/30/08. Abbott seconded. VOTED. 3. Veterans Monument- Abbott reported that Athol Granite Works will prepare a contract for the work and the committee will appoint veterans to define the list of names to be included. 4. Sump Pump -Toth reported that the Hwy. Dept. tried to open the drain pipe leaving Town Hall, but were not successful. A repair could be expensive and run into many unknowns with the maze of old plumbing, digging across the road, excavating, etc. Toth recommended continuing use of the sump pump to drain excess water in the basement, rather than trying to repair at this point. Toth publicly thanked the Highway Dept. for doing this investigative work and for repairing the Town Hall handicapped access entrance earlier this summer. 5. Town Secretary and Coordinator - Rosa Calcari will serve as Town Secretary until a new coordinator is hired. The Board discussed posting dates: job description by 10/9, receiving applications, then schedule interviews for 10/22 meeting. The coordinator job is about 75% communication and interacting with different people. IV. Public Comment * R. Calcari announced that Yelp for Help received a $200 check from Wal Mart last Sat. at its annual Safety Fair. She requested that the Board send a thank you. Toth Moved to send a thank you letter to Wal Mart for their donation. Abbott seconded. VOTED. * Ryan publicly expressed his discontent with the Board's decision to add overtime to the Highway Supt. salary without a Town Meeting vote. He stated that the taxpayers should have had a chance to decide the issue with a Town meeting discussion and vote. Currently the Supt. overtime pay will come out of the Hwy. Snow & Ice acct., which can be deficit spent, but subsequently the money overspent will have to be raised on the following year's tax rate. Ryan feels a Selectboard meeting is not an appropriate place for this decision. * COG has training workshops scheduled for Selectmen * Revisited discussion of perambulation of town boundaries Abbott Moved to not spend any money per the Town of Orange's request to perambulate boundaries. Lemon seconded. VOTED. * Ryan reported that the school audits are moving forward; may get school grants adjusted if audits are completed in a timely manner. * Dobbert is scheduled for next week to work on sprinkler system repair/replacement at WCS, Toth stated. * BOS office hours will be by appointment only until further notice. V. Adjournment Lemon Moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:35 p.m. Toth seconded. VOTED. Minutes taken by Jeannette Fellows