Town of Warwick MA is soliciting proposals for consulting services to conduct a Building Performance Assessment of Warwick Community School. The project includes recommending capital improvements and developing a maintenance and operation plan. The Town has appropriated not more than $10,000 for the activity. For a photo of the school, located at 41 Winchester Rd. Warwick MA 01378, go to Scope of work includes: Assess performance of all building and grounds systems and materials including but not limited to HVAC, lighting*, communication, security, fire protection, plumbing, exterior and interior coatings, roofing, insulation, windows, floors, parking lot, playing fields, and scheduled maintenance. * Lighting to include exterior lights on building and in parking lot. Prepare a written report prioritizing needed capital improvements as well as a building operation and maintenance plan. Report shall include: Listing of capital items, age, current condition, expected life, estimated replacement cost, payback time if replaced with more energy efficient replacement Listing of suggested improvements based on better energy usage or other improved performance Assembly of existing building plans, warranties, manufacturers information, Material Data Safety Sheets Listing of suggested maintenance schedule including estimated man-hour requirement and suggested supplies and equipment with which to perform maintenance Preparation of a building operation manual for all building sub-systems Summary of rebates and incentives available improvement and/or repair work to the school building and grounds The Town has developed a preliminary inventory of system components. A pre-quote meeting with interested vendors will be held by appointment. This procurement is open until awarded by the Warwick Selectboard. Prevailing wage applies Reply to coordinator 12 Athol Rd. Warwick MA 01378 or coordinator AT Town of Warwick is an equal opportunity employer Oct. 12, 2010