OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION PLAN UPDATE - Ted Cady The Open Space Plan Committee has been meeting twice a month to update Warwick's Open Space and Recreation Plan with assistance from the Franklin Regional Council of Government Planning Department. The folks from the Planning Department say that they really enjoy coming to meetings in Warwick because we have a group with a lot of energy. Not only do we have a lot of energy on the committee, but we also have a lot of expertise. David Brown, Brad Compton, Matt Hickler and Karro Frost have completely revised the list of species found in Warwick. They and the committee have come up with new categories that may set a standard for the rest of the state, which are Invasive Species and Migratory Species. For many of us migratory species help mark the seasons. Usually it is adults that do the planning, but Clare Green, and Chris Duerring included teenagers and students from the Community School in the planning process. The students like the same things about Warwick that the Open Space Survey showed that adults like, but their wish list was different. Some of their high priority things probably would not be of interest to adults such as a skate board park, but others are possible. The Community School students would like a trail and board walk to the Lilly Pond, a sign in register at the top of Mt. Grace, and a pavilion for picnics at the school. One of the more exciting ideas from the teenagers was a Zipline. The Open Space Survey has been processed. People still like the same things about Warwick as in past years, but feelings about some other aspects of life in Warwick have changed. We will include a summary next month. There will be a public forum in October and we hope you will attend and let us know how you feel about where the town should go into the future regarding open space and recreation. We meet the second and fourth Wednesday at 7:00 PM in the Town Hall and you are welcome to attend.