Warwick Open Space Planning Committee Meeting Minutes April 22, 2009 Meeting Notes Taken by George Roaf, Typed and Edited by Ted Cady The meeting was called to order by Ted Cady at 7:00 PM with 12 members attending. There was a reminder to sign in. There were introductions around the table. Karro can not attend so previous arrangements were made to have George Roaf take notes which Ted will type up and distribute. The Minutes of the April 4 Meeting were unanimously approved. Mary Wall gave the Equestrian Caucus update. The number one priority is to maintain and expand existing trail network. Some towns in Eastern Mass. are "legislating horses out." Currently trails are being GPSed. There is a concern about properly maintaining trails. In response to the question of what do properly maintained trails mean, Mary explained how trap rock was used on an area which is very hard on horses' hoofs. Pallets may be a good way for snowmobiles to cross a wet spot, but they are bad for horses. In response to a question about wood chips she said that they were slippery for horses hoofs so many people do not use them, but some do. Matt Hickler and the Survey Subcommittee gave the Survey Update. 310 copies not printed and will go out with the Warwick Newsletter. There has been a problem getting it in .pdf format to go out with the electronic version of the Newsletter. It probably will have to go as a Word file. The general feeling was that having it as a Word file attachment would be a good idea because it would be easier to fill in. Not everyone has a copy of the Survey. Matt will Email a copy to Ted who will Email it to the entire Committee. Patricia Lemon gave the update on Friends of State Forests in Warwick. Brian Erickson, the guy in charge of Mt. Wachusetts, is now in charge of much larger area and seems very amenable. He said there is a need to better train DCR staff in trail maintenance. Patricia would like to see a better turnout of Warwick people at the next meeting in June, because at the last meeting most of the people represented interests outside of town. Clare Green gave the update on the Teen Subcommittee. Chris Duerring is going to organize a meeting of teens, but it is not scheduled yet. She will check with Chris on the schedule. Ted stressed the fast pace of the project and the need to get them onboard soon because it may be harder to get organized after the Summer break starts. Clare also discussed the possibility of doing something with the students at the Community School, which resulted in an invitation for Ted to speak to the students there at a Friday Assembly. Ted said that he felt uncomfortable with the assignment since he has no experience dealing with children and someone with age appropriate experience would be helpful in planning. There was some discussion and it was decided that Clare may do the follow-up, but this her busiest time of year so it may be difficult at best. It was agreed that Ted and Clare will try to meet at the library. Ted mentioned that he had offered to speak at the Senior Meal Site on the day the Women's Guild Meeting immediately follows the lunch. There was agreement that this was a good idea and that Ted should follow up on it. Kimberly began the review of Section 3 and 4. Kimberly was given updated information on the lakes and streams that are stocked and a brief discussion followed. Ted asked if material would be accepted and Kimberly said it would be if not extensive. Ted stressed the need for a clean streamlined process because the time frame is tight and it is important to have adequate time to discuss the heart of the Plan which is the Goals and Objectives, so he would prefer dead lines be dead lines. Clare asked about PCB update on Miller's River. Kimberly has not received it. Clare will follow up and get her source to submit it to Kimberly. Page 3-15: Historic Sites Table 3-1 will be sent to Pat with Ted's corrections by Kimberly. There was an extensive discussion of the broadband paragraph which was written by Jessica Atwood. It was noted that there are no large businesses in Warwick. Ted submitted a correction to the paragraph noting that Warwick was in beta stage of testing a Warwick Town Broadband System. Patricia noted that additional information is in the Town Report which is on the Warwick Web Site. There was discussion of the need for better phone service, the survey currently being done by Selectboard concerning problems with Verizon service. Kimberly will have Jessica amend the paragraph. Matt requested and Kimberly agreed to waive the deadline requirements regarding this since new information by come from the Survey of Verizon users. Kimberly noted a need for the number of new house building permits. The committee had the information and gave it to Kimberly. Kimberly asked for the date of the Build Out Analysis. Ted said it was l995. Post Meeting Note: This date is wrong, and was probably the date of data in the report not of the report itself. The report is undated but dated data searches suggest the correct date is 2000. Kimberly said she needed the number of single and two family homes in Warwick from the Assessors. Ted agreed to supply data. Lively discussion followed concerning zoning and lot size. It was finally agreed to keep the paragraph as is. There was a discussion of soil information. Kimberly noted that it was old data. Mary Williamson noted that the information has recently been digitized. It is not new information, just in a more convenient format. There will be an effort to get the information to Kimberly. SECTION 4 Kimberly used flip charts to go over all the data of Section 4 in great detail. This included the Brooks, Lakes and Ponds, Recreation Areas, Historic Areas, Geologic Areas, and Areas of Special Interest. There were additions, subtractions and amendments to the 2002 Open Space Plan Section 4. It was noted that Warwick has a low salt use policy for Winter road maintenance and does not use herbicides along the road sides. The details are in the notes of the meeting but are not included here because without the tables they would be unintelligible. Kimberly gave the assignment of coming up with your 3 top problems for next meeting with her. It would be helpful to start on them on the 13 to have them for Kimberly when she meets with us. Last call for edits to Section 4 - must be in by May 13. For May 13 meeting - prepare for discussion of whether or not to list currently unprotected lands that should be protected and if it is decided to list them, what lands should be on the list. Review Goals and Objectives of the 2002 Open Space Plan. If things go well, we may be able to start on them. Next meeting May 13, Next meeting with Kimberly is May 27. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM