Moore's Pond Beach Committee Minutes August 13, 2012 @ 6:30 PM Present: Gloria Varno, Kathy Connelly, Dave Shepardson, Bev Shepardson, Fran Prohaska, Clare Green (arrived 6:55 PM) Meeting called to order at 6:40 PM. Minutes of July 16, 2012 accepted as written. Dave is bringing 2 picnic tables to Old Home Days and will get them up Friday night. Parade meeting was held on Thurs 8/9 and only the Tringali kids were there. Adrian Paul was away but wants to be part of the group and others have shown an interest. This year the kids want the theme to be "Wild Animal Life on Moore's Pond". They are looking for animals such as frogs, turtles, and deer, bear, beaver, etc. that people may have as ornaments or stuffed. Anything they can't find they will make out of paper. They would also like a small boat to put on the float. Friday night before the parade they will assemble it near the Shepardson camp. Dave and Bev have 3 crank ice cream makers and Bev was concerned about the old containers being used but we all approved of them. They are worn only and not rusted or dirty. Dave has cleaned them up very well. Kathy said that because we are doing a "demonstration" we are not required to get a permit. Only if you are cooking and selling food is a food permit required. Gloria bought the tasting cups and wooden spoons which Kathy took to add to the pile of things for Old Home Days. Bev brought the recipe we are going to be using for the ice cream demonstration: Vanilla Ice Cream (Philadelphia) which requires no cooking. 1 Qt. of thin cream (half and half) which Gloria and Fran will purchase. Bev has some already. We will need about 4 more quarts. 1 Tbl vanilla which Kathy and Bev will provide cup sugar which Kathy and Bev will provide 1/8 teas. Of salt which Kathy and Bev will provide Dave checked the ice shed and it appears it has gone down about 1/3. Plans are to open the ice shed about noon (after the parade and story- telling). With the ice cream making demonstration occurring about 1 PM on the town common. Dave has a burlap bag which can be used to smash the ice using the town hall steps and he has a meat tenderizer hammer that does a good job making small ice chips. Gloria said she also has an old fashioned hammer she will bring. He heard the Hubbard's may have an ice shaving utility that they may let us borrow. Dave has enough tongs to pick up the ice blocks. Since Dave thinks it will be messy, he wants to keep the tables away from where the heavy traffic areas are so it was suggested that we use winter boot trays on the tables to catch the debris. Kathy and Gloria both have some they will provide. The table with the raffle basket where we will be selling raffle tickets; and Beach pictures and information will be next to the ice cream making tables. Coverage will be as follows: 9 to 10 AM Bev Shepardson 10 to 11 AM Gloria Varno 11 to 12 PM Kathy Connelly 12 to 1 PM Fran Prohaska 1 to 2 PM Clare Green Drawing for the basket will occur at 2 PM. Dave prepared a notice to be posted at the beach regarding the rocks at the dam. Gloria is going to post it to the Warwick-L. The notice reads: Just a word about the Moore's Pond Beach. With the lack of rain this summer, the level of the water in the pond is very low with virtually no water going over the dam. In fact, a lot more of the dam is exposed than usual. Recently there have been a few incidents where individuals have removed stones and large boulders from the dam by the Beach. Some of the boulders were left on the edge of the beach and others were left scattered in the water just beyond the shore. This is not acceptable for a couple of reasons. First, it compromises the structure of the dam. Second, the dam is private property and is in no way part of the Beach. This is a hazard to those who come to relax on the beach and frolic in the water. In order to assure public safety and stability of the dam we ask that people stay away from the dam. Based on this dam situation which looks to be out-of-towners, Fran asked if maybe we shouldn't consider making the beach "Residents only". We tabled till this fall when we will discuss it again and maybe come up with options. The Kiosk is very difficult to put notices and pictures on the boards with the Plexiglas being so tight. We need to look at making the glass hinged with a padlock so unauthorized access can't occur. We will discuss this also in the fall. Kathy was able to contact someone about monthly water testing and the person said a GC Survey is needed and if acceptable we may be eligible for monthly testing. If we can't find a survey, and another needs to be done, it is very costly. We are thinking the Lycot testing that was done in the 1980's might be where this survey was done. Mentioned in the January 2011 minutes, Larry Carey may have more information on the Lycot testing. Next meeting is scheduled for Monday October 15, 2012 at 6:30 PM. Meeting Adjourned at 7:55 PM Prepared by: Gloria Varno, Secretary