Moore's Pond Beach Committee Minutes July 16, 2012 at 6:30 PM Present: Gloria Varno, Kathy Connelly, Matt Connelly, Dave Shepardson, Clare Green, Jim McRae Meeting called to order at 6:35 PM Minutes of June 4, 2012 meeting accepted with minor changes. The beach party brought in $16 in donations bringing our total for both events (Lasagna dinner and beach party) to $566. Everyone commented that the beach is busier this year than ever. And Jim noticed that the beach itself is cleaner in the water probably because of all the swimmers. And it was noted that more pond debris has been around the beach. We determined that since the water level is low, not much is going over the dam. And people are cleaning their beaches around the pond. Someone reported to Gloria and Kathy that a non-resident was at the beach one day and was very nasty to them and they got so upset they had to leave because they had small kids with them. This person also mentioned they didn't like smoking and dogs on the beach. The smoking issues are because butts are left in the sand. Kathy is going to add an addendum to the posting of removing what you bring in to include a section specifically to cigarette butts. People with dogs off leases need to be reminded that they need to be on a leash. Kathy noticed a dog loose without a person one day in which case ACO should be called. Jim suggested the plexi-glass either be taken off the kiosk or adjusted so that more notices can be easily put up. It was then decided that permanent notices be put under the plexi-glass on one side and the temporary notices be taped to the plexi-glass on the other side. Dave Shepardson asked Larry Carey for a time slot at Old Home Days for the churning of the ice cream. We were given the time slot of 2 PM Saturday August 25, 2012. If the parade is at 10 AM, Dave suggests opening the ice house after the parade. Since many folks were at the pond for the ice cutting, we assume a good share of folks would like to see the unveiling of the ice but we don't want it interfering with the parade. Kathy said the town kids want to be involved in another Moore's Pond Beach float so she has scheduled some meetings to discuss what they want to do this year. The meetings will be the first and second weeks of August so committee will be notified, if they want to assist. Dave has the rock salt for the ice cream churning and we are looking for more manual ice cream makers for use. Kathy is going to review the ice cream recipes with Bev Shepardson to determine ingredients and then the committee will decide if we want to provide the ingredients. Gloria is going to check for the little wooden ice cream spoons and small plastic cups for taste testing purposes. We are going to set up a table at Old Home Days and have a raffle basket that Clare had donated. We have tickets available that we can sell. Another table will be set up with water testing information, pictures etc. Dave is going to bring a picnic table to use for the churning process because he doesn't want to use the tables provided by the town since folks will be using those. We will need trash bags available to toss the spoons and cups. Next meeting scheduled for Monday, August 13, 2012 at 6:30 PM to finalize coverage for Old Home Days. Agenda items we should discuss - coverage of raffle table; coverage of ice cream churning; providing ingredients for ice cream; Meeting adjourned at 7:36 PM.