Beach Committee Meeting Minutes April 23, 2012 @ 6:30 PM Present: Kathy Connelly, Gloria Varno, Jim McRae, Dave Shepardson, Clare Green (arrived 6:45PM) Called to order at 6:35 PM. Notes: Accepted Minutes of March 5, 2012 meeting with some changes to the ice cutting paragraph. Application for Permit to Operate a Bathing Beach was signed by the BOH. This is done on a yearly basis. Copy attached. The lasagna dinner brought in a total of $550 cash and checks. Kathy will submit the income and expense report to the treasurer on Thursday. People started coming at 5:45 PM and we had 3 full tables by 6 PM. Another successful year. We made a list of the necessities for next year as we ran out of some things this year. On the list for next year are: 10 lasagnas 6 bags of salad 6 salad dressings 2 lbs of butter 10 loaves of bread (garlic was the biggest hit) Chocolate chip cookies and brownies were the biggest dessert hits 2 containers of lemonade as we ran out this year 50 cups of coffee Water in pitchers on the table was a hit We need to send thank-you cards to those non-committee members who helped...Dawn Magi, Pat and Dick Shepardson, Mario, Cody and Vinnie Tringali. Kathy wants to make up some signs next year for the menu and pricing. We need to have some take-out containers available for those who want to bring meals home. We each had to fill out a form for the BOH on what we contributed to the dinner. Beach cleaning is scheduled for May 19th at 10 AM (Raindate May 20th at 1 PM). Kathy has prepared and submitted a notice for the May newsletter for anyone who wants to help. Kathy and Clare are not available on the 19th. Dave Shepardson will be the organizer on that day. Kathy will check with Karro Frost and see if she is available to again do a presentation as she did last year and also to mark shrubs that should stay. The object of the cleanup this year is to: Trim back the buckthorn Clean out the trench the highway department made Stain the sign Kathy asked Jim if he could look at the plexiglass as it seems to be loose. The Beach party is scheduled for June 16, 2012 from 1 PM to 4 PM. Kathy has enough information to prepare a notice in the June newsletter which she needs prepared by May 20th. Jim is going to make contacts for music to be available. Clare is going to investigate getting a donated cake from Hannaford's which had to be canceled last year due to weather. Snacks such as popcorn, cookies, watermelon and cake along with lemonade are planned. Jim suggested we consider getting T-shirts made which can then be a selling point all year for the beach committee. It was suggested to bring photos of the pond/beach to our next meeting so that we can prepare a T-shirt prototype. The water testing is still going to be on a weekly basis because Kathy cannot find the form or the contact person who will authorize a monthly basis. She has been trying to contact the BOH and the lab testing people but no one knows. She is going to contact David Young to see what he may know. Next meeting scheduled for June 4th at 6:30 PM. Agenda: Finalize beach party Review water testing Review beach cleanup Meeting adjourned at 7:39 PM. Prepared by: Gloria Varno, Secretary