Warwick Highway Weekly Log Sept. 19 - 25, 2011 Mon. Sept. 19 Crushed dumpsters at transfer station Graded and rock raked Quarry Rd. and Kirk Rd. Continued digging out ditch line on upper Chestnut Hill Rd. Tues. Sept. 20 Continued digging our ditch line on Chestnut Hill Rd. Met with resident relating to road questions on Pine St. Met with David Young to go over highway issues Wed. Sept. 21 Continued digging out ditch line on Chestnut Hill Rd. Graded and rock raked Bass Rd. and Flower Hill Rd. Thurs. Sept. 22 Installed new heavy duty starter on Backhoe Replaced idler arm and bracket on truck # 4 Cleaned out bleeders on Bass Rd. Northfield Hwy. Dept. came to take away 55 gallon drum of waste oil Rip rapped a couple of washouts on various roads Fri. Sept. 23 Bill out sick today Rip rapped a couple of areas in the gulf area on Winchester Rd. Continued making repairs to truck # 4 Dug out culverts on dirt portion of Flower Hill Rd. Dug out ditch line on Shepardson Pl.