Warwick Highway Weekly Log Aug. 22 - 28, 2011 Mon. Aug. 22 Patched trenches with HMA over new culvert on Shepardson Rd. and sub-drainage on Athol Rd. Hauled 4 loads of crushed stone from Porter Trans. to highway garage Hauled 3 loads of old asphalt to G&S Lyman Tues. Aug. 23 Jim on vacation day Went to Orange for supplies Hauled 4 loads of crushed stone from Porter Trans. to highway garage Graded and rock raked portion of Gale Rd. and started Beech Hill Rd. Wed. Aug. 24 Finished grading Beech Hill Rd. and beginning portion of Gale Rd. Swept various roads in preparation for crack sealing and line painting Schmidt Equip. came to diagnose Loader problem Received call from Shelburne Control at 4 P.M. of tree down near # 185 Old Winchester Rd. - tree removed Thurs. Aug. 25 Replaced culvert # 2 on W. Wilson Rd. Installed some new signs on various roads in town Crushed dumpsters at transfer station Fri. Aug. 26 Fueled up and prepared all equipment for Hurricane Irene Had 100 additional yards of crushed gravel delivered to highway garage Dug out culverts and bleeders on Gale Rd. and Robbins Rd. Continued installing new signs on various roads in town Met with Bill Lyman about Hurricane Irene preparedness for the highway dept. Sun. Aug. 28 Personnel came in at 7 A.M. to check all roads and work with Bill Lyman, Emergency Management Director, to keep roads passable in town during Hurricane Irene - we received approximately 6 inches of rain and did not have a single road washout in town - we had many trees come down on wires causing power outages - went home at 3:15 P.M.