Warwick Highway Weekly Log July 25 - 31, 2011 Mon. July 25 Patched both culvert trenches on Northfield Rd. Culvert pipe was delivered to job site on Athol Rd. Met with Don Matthews on driveway culvert replacement on Hastings Heights Rd. Crushed dumpsters in transfer station Worked on ditch line on Royalston Rd. Cleaned up hot top tools Tues. July 26 Patched areas of Northfield Rd. near Flower Hill Rd. Received report of plugged culvert on Athol Rd. - opened up to lower water level Delivered letters to residents about Richmond Rd. being closed tomorrow or possibly not until Thursday depending on the weather Did final cleanup of Richmond Rd. for 20% crumb rubber application Continued working on Royalston Rd. ditch line Wed. July 27 Graded and rock raked Robbins Rd. and Old Winchester Rd. Did 20% crumb rubber application on paved portions of Richmond Rd. Scraped out pot holes on various roads with Loader Thurs. July 28 Finished grading and rock raking Old Winchester Rd. and W. Rum Brook Rd. Unplugged culvert on Athol Rd. Made repairs to Gale Rd. with Loader Cut pavement on Athol Rd. for culvert replacement and put out gravel and stone at job sites Went to Orange for supplies Fri. July 29 Had a flat rear tire on Backhoe - brought to Pete's Tire for repair Cleaned out plugged culvert on Athol Rd. Did complete service on truck # 2 Fixed sinkhole on Wendell Rd. by Moss Brook Cut tree that fell on Wendell Rd. Met with homeowner on question about road access from property Got equipment ready for culvert work that begins on Monday Met with David to go over highway issues Continued working on ditch line on Royalston Rd. Crushed dumpsters at transfer station