Warwick Highway Weekly Log May 23 - 29, 2011 Mon. May 23 Crushed dumpsters at transfer station Added crushed gravel to Buzzell Pl. and White Rd. Continued doing body work to truck # 3 Tues. May 24 Added crushed gravel to Chestnut Hill Rd. Made minor repair to truck # 2 tarp cover Continued doing body work on truck # 3 Went to Orange for supplies Tim went on fire call Wed. May 25 Fixed washouts on various roads with crushed gravel or rip rap materials Continued doing body work on truck # 3 Thurs. May 26 Fixed washouts on various roads with rip rap Continued doing body work on truck # 3 Met with salesman to go over crack sealing project for this summer Met with David Young to go over highway issues Fri. May 27 Brian on comp day Dug out ditch lines along Old Winchester Rd. Met with MassDOT Bridge Inspection Unit to look at bridges on Chestnut Hill Rd. and Gale Rd.