Warwick Highway Weekly Log May 9 - 15, 2011 Mon. May 9 Crushed dumpsters at transfer station Calvin Fellows gave some instructional tips on how to run a Road Grader from his knowledge of running a Road Grader Began grading and rock raked Bass Rd. Began scraping and painting metal trim and posts around highway garage Met with sign salesman to get updated pricing on street signs Met with David Young on a project in transfer station for hwy. dept. to do to help BOH when we have time Tues. May 10 Tim on vacation day Finished grading and rock raking Bass Rd. Finished scraping and painting metal trim and posts around highway garage Truck # 4 brought from Dale's Auto Body to Athol Glass to have new windshield installed Wed. May 11 Graded and rock raked Robbins Rd. and began Old Winchester Rd. Checked for beaver activity around town Met with Jim Toth to go over highway issues Patched various pot holes around town Thurs. May 12 Finished grading and rock raking Old Winchester Rd., West Rum Brook Rd. and Buzzell Pl. Removed dead porcupine from Athol Rd. Picked up truck # 3 from Porter's Diesel Picked up truck # 4 at Athol Glass Cut down Japanese knotweed around garage area as part of an experiment Continued patching pot holes around town Fri. May 13 Graded and rock raked White Rd. and Shepardson Pl. Finished patching pot holes around town Met with Energy Committee on highway garage issues Touched up some rusty spots on truck # 4 by scraping and painting