Warwick Highway Weekly Log Mar. 21 - 27, 2011 Mon. Mar. 21 Graveled washout on Chestnut Hill Rd. Received report of tree down on Flower Hill Rd. - tree removed Crushed dumpsters at transfer station Met with Karro Frost from Conservation Commission to look at a couple of culverts Installed new air horn on truck # 2 Began sanding all paved roads - called in private contractor and began plowing and sanding all paved roads at 2 P.M. - went home at 5:30 P.M. - 3" of heavy, wet snow Tues. Mar. 22 Tim went to Springfield for new program on how to apply for STRAP and other State grants Replaced culvert # 2 on Bliss Hill Rd. that was collapsing Wed. Mar 23 Removed jaw bucket piston on Backhoe to have it rebuilt - brought to Hubbardston for rebuild Checked roads for any problems Installed cooling fan on Backhoe Thurs. Mar. 24 Repaired various washouts with gravel and rip rap Repaired bike rack from school and returned it Met with David Young to go over highway issues Tim went to Tri-County Supt. meeting in Northampton in evening Fri. Mar. 25 Checked all roads for needed repairs Repaired and cleaned out beaver deceivers on Bass Rd. and Richmond Rd. Worked on Loader electrical issues Washed truck # 1, 2 and 4