Warwick Highway Weekly Log Mar. 7 - 13, 2011 Mon. Mar. 7 Received multiple reports of road washouts on various roads in town - made all roads passable by 6 P.M. - will continue with repairs tomorrow Sanded all dirt roads due to freezing drizzle at 10 A.M. Tues. Mar. 8 Jim on comp day Made further road repairs to Royalston Rd. Spot sanded a couple of areas as needed Put rip rap on edge of Orange Rd. at bottom of Barber Hill Wed. Mar. 9 Made repairs on Old Winchester Rd. and bottom of Chestnut Hill Rd. Finished rip rapping edge of Orange Rd. on Barber Hill Re-check all roads for condition Dealt with ice problem on Pine St. Thurs. Mar. 10 Made repairs to Quarry Rd. and Pine St. Tim went to meeting in Northampton Received call from Shelburne Control at 8 P.M. about icy conditions on Old Winchester Rd. and Gale Rd. - called in personnel to sand same - went home at 10:30 P.M. Fri. Mar. 11 Checked all roads for rain storm damage Did maintenance work on Backhoe Mike Mankowski did a welding repair on truck # 3 sander body Sanded all dirt roads as necessary after rain storm