Warwick Highway Weekly Log Feb. 14 - 20, 2011 Mon. Feb. 14 Rolled back snow banks on Athol Rd. until Loader broke down Picked up our 4WD Backhoe in Orange Worked on Loader ordering parts for necessary repairs Tues. Feb. 15 Rolled back snow banks on Athol Rd., Hastings Heights Rd., Old Winchester Rd., Robbins Rd., W. Rum Brook Rd. and Winchester Rd. Checked roads for wind storm damage and patched potholes as needed Met with David Young to go over highway issues Wed. Feb. 16 Rolled back snow banks on Orange Rd., Northfield Rd. and Wendell Rd. Replaced fan bearing and bracket and fan belt on Loader Crushed dumpsters in transfer station Thurs. Feb. 17 Got new Backhoe ready for inspection Took new Backhoe to Orange for inspection sticker Sanded all dirt roads as necessary due to icy conditions Worked on scraping ice off main roads Fri. Feb. 18 Did oil and filter and fuel filter change on Loader Changed cutting edge on plow # 4 Cleaned ice around trash compactors and moved back into place at transfer station Whateley came to pick up Case Backhoe Continued working on scraping ice off main roads WMCI came to install Backhoe radio Met with Tree Warden to go over tree cutting issues Washed truck # 2