Warwick Highway Weekly Log Jan. 3 - 9, 2011 Mon. Jan. 3 Crushed dumpsters at transfer station Cut brush on Beech Hill Rd. Contacted Verizon and National Grid about existing ongoing issues on various roads in town Tues. Jan. 4 Continued cutting brush on Beech Hill Rd. Requested to respond to water problem at town hall - problem resolved prior to arrival Wed. Jan. 5 Continued cutting brush on Beech Hill Rd. Graves Fire was in for annual fire extinguisher inspections - Tim took them to all town buildings for the inspections Met with David Young on highway issues Thurs. Jan. 6 Tim out sick Continued cutting brush on Beech Hill Rd. Fri. Jan. 7 Did service on Loader Made electrical repairs on truck # 4 Prepped E. Wilson Rd. to seasonal cabin at request of owner for the weekend Did test run of back-up generator Prepped equipment for snowstorm Called in personnel at 6 P.M. to sand paved roads - storm continued into Sat. Sat. Jan. 8 Called in private contractors at 4 A.M. and plowed all roads and sanded paved roads - went home at 10 A.M. - 2" of snow Sun. Jan. 9 Called in personnel and private contractors at 3 A.M. to plow and sand all roads - went home at 11 A.M. - 2" of snow