Warwick Highway Weekly Log Jan. 24 - 30, 2011 Mon. Jan. 24 Bill out sick Did services on truck # 2 and truck # 3 Cleared back intersections around town Had problems with diesel fuel tank filter freezing due to extreme cold Tues. Jan. 25 Sanded all paved roads due to dusting of snow Crushed dumpsters in transfer station Tim went to FRCOG in Greenfield for bid opening on Backhoe Continued clearing back intersections around town Wed. Jan. 26 Continued clearing back intersections in town Changed Road Grader cutting edges Received report of snow in road on Northfield Rd. from Officer Kilhart - sent out plow to clean up roadway Cut a couple of hanging trees on Northfield Rd. that are hitting plow truck Prepped equipment for impending storm Personnel came in at 7 P.M. to sand all paved roads - began plowing main roads at 12 A.M. - called in private contractors at 5 A.M. and plowed and sanded all roads Thurs. Jan. 27 Finished plowing and sanding previous days snow storm Met with Dawn Magi and Pat Lemon individually to take them out to see the tree and brush issue on Gale Rd. and explain what we propose to do Finished clearing intersections around town Washed trucks in afternoon Fri. Jan. 28 Began rolling back snow banks on Old Winchester Rd. until we blew a hydraulic line on the Road Grader - took out damaged hose and went to Porter's Diesel for new hose and installed on Road Grader Scraped off Northfield Rd. and in Gulf area Cleaned up around garage area Met with Whately Hwy. Supt. to show him our Backhoe that we will sell if purchase of used Backhoe is approved at Special Town Meeting