Warwick Historical Society Minutes for 16 September 2015 Present: Larry Carey, Mike Carey, Arline Lincoln, Susan Wright, Freddie Fellows, Calvin Fellows, Ann Miner, Patty Ernest, Mel Kitchen, Martha Morse, Barbara Walker, Ed Lemon, Kris Wallock, Elaine Reardon, Carol Foote, Clare Green, Helen Whipple, Rod Whipple, and Beth Gilgun The meeting was called to order at 7:42 pm by Larry Carey, following Beth Gilgun's informative and well-attended presentation on how to electronically trace property deeds back to their origin. The minutes of the June 17th meeting, prepared by Michael Carey in Martha's absence, were accepted as read. Treasurer's report (Arline Lincoln) Checking balance: 924.25 Savings balance: 5,235.85 CD balance: 10,400.78 TOTAL WORTH: 16,560.88 RECEIPTS Blake map sale 40.00 Misc. sales 62.00 Donation 10.00 Old Home Day 188.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS: $300.00 EXPENSES National Grid 20.00 Plants 63.27 TOTAL EXPENSES: $83.27 Treasurer's report was unanimously accepted as read on a motion by Ed, second by Mel. Arline also listed members who had already paid their dues for this year, and invited others to do so. President's Report: Larry read from prepared comments which covered the following: The results of his research into the history of the valuable Howard collection and issues to be resolved regarding its ownership and possible sale; His own personal experiences dealing with the challenges of WHS Museum upkeep and repairs. Questions to resolve: what needs to be done and how do we pay for it. Producing a written history of Warwick beginning with 1963, where "Biography of a Town" by Charlies Morse ended. Relative to the above, Larry spoke of a project he read about in July 26th Recorder regarding an Historical Society project in Ashfield, Mass tracing their history in the last 50 years Can we do something similar here in Warwick? Information he received from Joy Johnson Risatti, Barbara Walker's sister, on a program presented by the Petersham Historical Society. Can it be replicated here in Warwick? Barbara Walker will follow up. The need for more volunteers to keep the WHS sales program going: What items do, might sell, where do we sell them, and who will take charge. Because Larry's report raised so many long-range goal issues, it was suggested that a "Planning Subcommittee" be formed. Martha made a motion to that effect which passed unanimously. Clare Green, Arline Lincoln, Helen Whipple, Bev Shepardson, Barbara Walker and Martha Morse will meet initially on Monday November 9 at 1:00 pm at the Town Hall. Our esteemed Curator Ed Lemon noted that he does not have a report for this meeting and that he will need to curtail his activity for a while after his upcoming surgery. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm and was followed by refreshments. The next meeting will be December 16, 2015. Respectfully submitted, Martha Morse, secretary