Historical Society Minutes September 16, 2009 The meeting was called to order at 7:15. Martha Morse is absent. The Treasurer's report read as below: Checking $2,426.94 Savings 571.60 10 Month CD 3,129.85 8 month CD 10,043.44 Total worth is $16,171.83 Calvin made a motion to accept the treasurer's report and Patti seconded. The motion passed. * Historical Society painting molding will be foamed in. * Beam - help up by jack post, done * Ceiling paint needs to be replaced upstairs * Joe Paul fixed the porch for only a life-time membership, no pay. * Town carpenter will build a handicap ramp, historical society will supply the materials. Ask Dan Johnson about boxwood bush at Historical Society.- how much it can be shortened or should it be taken down. Talked about a noise alarm for the H.S. building because there have been some attempts to break in. Will have Mike Carey look into an alarm system for the building. Charlie Phelps has donated a bean winnower corn kernel cutter. Dues will be collected at this Sept. meeting: $5.00 for single membership and $8.00 for family membership. Meeting was turned over to Ed Lemon. Ed and Martha Kitchen have purchased a digital audio recorder to try to get stories from town residents. Also, there is a lap top computer for cataloguing. Ed explained how to create an item on the laptop and explained how it works and passed out a handout for us to follow as he explained it. We need to purchase a scanner to catalog items. Need a copy stand and archival storage containers. A motion was made to allow up to $300 for Ed to use to buy materials for the cataloging project. The motion was made by Mike Carey and seconded by Barbara Walker. The Archival Committee was reviewed and we added Michael Carey as of this meeting. A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 p.m. Refreshments were served.