Warwick Historical Society Minutes for June 8, 2016 Present: Ed Lemon, Arline Lincoln, Calvin Fellows, Freddie Fellows, Mike Carey, Martha Kitchen, Martha Morse, Larry Carey, Barbara Walker, Kris Wallock, Rod Whipple (Helen arrived later) The meeting was called to order at 7:08 pm by Larry Carey. Secretary's Report: Minutes of the 16 March 2016 meeting were amended to include $15.00 expense for Commonwealth dues. On motion by Arline, second by Mel, minutes accepted unanimously. Treasurer's report (Arline Lincoln) Checking balance: 1,007.70 Savings balance: 5,237.82 CD balance: 10,476.56 TOTAL WORTH: 16,722.08 RECEIPTS: none EXPENSES National Grid 10.00 Flowers/soil 69.76 On a motion by Martha M., second by Mike, the treasurer's report was unanimously accepted as read. President's Report: Larry found one blue afghan to add to the limited supply of other colors. Larry thanked those present for their support and concern during this difficult time of grieving for him and his family. OLD BUSINESS 1. Report of the Planning Sub-Committee: The report of the November 9, 2015 meeting, authored by Helen Whipple was reviewed and discussed. Discussion centered on concern for the safety of the valuable Howard collection, which is owned by the Town of Warwick and stored in the museum. There was general agreement that the collection should be stored in acid free containers and kept in the Town Hall safe. Any vote on the disposition of the collection will be taken at the next meeting. 2. WHS museum space issues It was noted that people are reluctant to "give" materials to the museum collection due to lack of space and security. The possibility of accepting items on loan, with accompanying paperwork, was considered. 3. WHS museum climate control: The humidity problem may be somewhat resolved by resorting to use of the humidifier in the basement, or, better yet, purchasing a new humidifier. Mike will follow up on these options. NEW BUSINESS 1. Ed said he plans to continue working to produce the book of photographs of Warwick's historic homes. He will apply for a Cultural Council grant for publication costs. 2. Nomination of Officers: The current slate of officers have all agreed to continue in their positions for the next two year term (2016 - 2018). They are: president - Larry Carey; vice- president - Charlie Brown; treasurer - Arline Lincoln; secretary - Martha Morse; curator - Ed Lemon; auditor - Rodney Whipple. The slate was unanimously accepted on a motion by Mel, seconded by Arline. Membership will vote on the slate at the September 21 meeting. 3. Sign-up for Museum openings in Summer: As always, the museum will be open on Sundays from 2-4 pm during July and August, as well as expanded hours on Old Home Day (Saturday August 28). Folks who were not at the meeting will be called to fill the open spots. The meeting was adjourned at 8:09 pm, followed by refreshments. The next meeting is scheduled for September 21, 2016. Respectfully submitted, Martha Morse, secretary