Warwick Historical Society Minutes June 15, 2011 The evening began with a short film made by Dr. James Kitchen, Mel's father, about the ice-cutting industry in the Poconos in Pennsylvania.. The film included a good amount of interesting footage from the late 1920's and early 1930's, with informative narration by Dr. Kitchen. Following the film showing, Larry Carey and others in the audience related accounts of similar ice-cutting procedures here in Warwick. Many thanks to Mel, and to Nadia Marti for her technical assistance. The WHS quarterly business meeting followed, and was called to order at 7:40 p.m. Present: Arline Lincoln, Case Vanderstelt, Rod Whipple, Helen Whipple, Bev Shepardson, Dave Shepardaon, Calvin Fellows, Freddie Fellows, Nadia Marti, Kady Woods, Charlie Brown, Clare Green, Patty Ernest, Ann Miner, Barbara Walker, Martha Morse, Ed Lemon, Martha Kitchen, Larry Carey Secretary's report was approved as read. Treasurer's report: CD $10,056.49; Savings $4,045.63; Checking $1,368.49; TOTAL $15,470.31 Report approved as read. New Business Changes to the WHS By-Laws were discussed, and will be voted on at the September meeting. Brian Miner has cut down the privet bush in front of the WHS building. Some discussion followed on the advisability of taking it out altogether. No consensus was reached. A calendar was passed around for members to sign up to open the museum on Sundays in July and August from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. In addition, three 2-hour slots were filled for Old Home Day, Sat. August 27. Larry asked for help in selling WHS items at the Town Tag Sale, Old Home Days and the Holiday Crafts Fair: items include napkins, t-shirts, maps, and note cards. Possibilities for note cards include Ralph Witherells's paintings (with permission from his family), and the scene of the WHS building and town hall painted by Deb Paulson. (see item #4 below) A motion was made and seconded to purchase 200 cards with Deb Paulson's painting for $80, to be sold for $1.00 each. . Larry Carey asked for ideas for presentations at WHS meetings. It was decided that ideas should be given to program committee chair Barbara Walker, and Ed Lemon will post finalized programs on the Warwick web-site. Larry formally thanked Ed Lemon for his leadership on the ongoing work of the archival committee. He stressed the need of all members to support Ed's efforts on the very successful steamkite.com website. Kady Woods reported on her acceptance into a 2-week summer program on "Exploring New England" sponsored by Smith College. Congratulations to Kady, and we look forward to hearing about her experiences at the September meeting. In 2013 Warwick will celebrate its 250th anniversary. The WHS will be working on ideas for special exhibits, and hopes to have the booklet on its collection by then. Curator's Report - Ed Lemon Ed has researched web-sites for purchasing cotton gloves for handling antiquities. He has found availability of nylon gloves in medium size at $20 for a package of 12. Nadia will ask her professor if nylon is OK. Now that the warmer weather is here, work has resumed at the WHS museum on Mondays from 1:00-3:00. The building has been cleaned and work has begun on cataloguing the collections and the photo albums. Help is needed in identifying individuals in old photos. The WHS website is being recognized for its excellence by interested parties near and far. The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m., followed by refreshments. Next meeting is Sept. 21, 2011 Respectfully submitted Martha Morse, secretary