Warwick Historical Society Minutes - March 22, 2017 Present: Larry Carey, Martha Morse, Arline Lincoln, Clare Green, Freddie and Calvin Fellows, Dave and Bev Shepardson, Kris Wallock, Barbara Walker, Charlie Brown, Judy Johnson, Ginny and Oliver Fellows, Pam Kimball, Patty Ernest, Barbara Thurston, Ed Lemon, Martha Kitchen The meeting was called to order at 7:47 p.m. by Larry Carey following a well-attended and delightful presentation by Charlie Brown. We give thanks to Charlie for sharing his memories of Warwick with us, and to Ed for videotaping it. Secretary's Report: The minutes of the December 21, 2016 meeting were accepted as read. Treasurer's Report: Arline gave the Treasurer's report. It was accepted as read. . CD Balance: $10,557.33 . Savings: 5,239.76 . Checking: 1,353.37 TOTAL: $17,150.46 Receipts: $15 dues Expenditures: $20.00 National Grid (2 months); $200 Scholarship Fund: Total $220..00 President's Report 1. Grant Application: Larry gave an update on the status of the application Mike and he submitted for a State grant to fund a display of military uniforms. He learned that the $2,200 grant awarded would require matching funds from the WHS and additional paperwork that revealed the State would have considerable control over the project. Larry suggested that the WHS could on its own proceed with the project for the sum of $1,000. To that end a motion was made by Calvin, seconded by Mel, to authorize up to $1,000 to prepare a display of military uniforms of Warwick residents. The motion passed without dissent. 2. T-shirt Order: Larry contacted the T-shirt supplier and determined that an order of 50 shirts would net a profit of around $4.50 - $5.00 per shirt sold. Larry intends to take an inventory of sizes and colors needed to supplement our supply on hand. On a motion by Clare, seconded by Barbara, Larry is authorized to order 50 more shirts. 3. Afghan Order: Larry learned from the afghan supplier that an order of 36 afghans all the same color will cost $27.00 each, essentially the same as previous orders. Motion made by Clare, seconded by Arline, authorizing purchase. Motion passed. In other business, Arline suggested the WHS give a gift to the fund set up for the two surviving members of the Seago family. The amount of $100 was suggested, with a motion passing unanimously for authorization. Ed Lemon gave the Curator's report, and it is attached. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. The next quarterly meeting is scheduled for June 21, 2017. Respectfully submitted Martha Morse secretary Curator's Report - March 22, 2017 After a long absence I return with a short report to update you all on the current situation as regards your curator. I applied for and received a grant of $750 from the Cultural Council towards a book on the historic houses of Warwick. The video and audio recorders I bought about 8 years ago have died from disuse. I have purchased new, inexpensive ones as replacements and will be happy to show you how to use them. They are very simple to operate. Let's not let them perish from disuse either! I have also purchased a drone with a really good video camera and hope to take some aerial views of our historic houses and parks. No new surgeries are scheduled in the near future as far as I can tell, so I'd like to reconvene the members of the archival committee to work on the House book and other projects. I hope Cal and Freddie, Bev, Martha Morse, Martha Kitchen and Liz, will continue to work with me. Any other volunteers will be most welcome. We will meet at the library on Tuesday afternoons at 2:00 pm if that is acceptable. The Annual Report of the Society's activities was compiled and filed with the Town Coordinator by Martha Morse and Ed Lemon. As for the book project, I have a sample page for your perusal and am eager to hear any suggestions for improvements. The big question is: how many houses (I suggest 15 - 20) and which ones? I have a list of the most likely candidates, which I will pass around. Suggestions and additions are welcome. We have good information on almost all of them from the photographs and descriptions from the Massachusetts Historical Commission arranged by Greta Ohlson Spratt in 1979, and from Charlie Morse's and Ed Hawes' books. Cal Fellows and I have updated almost all of the photos listed in the 1979 compilation. I plan to do some aerial photos with the new drone, and also get some interior photos where possible. This will entail getting permission from the owners, of course, which our committee will hopefully be able to do. We want to have copies ready for Old Home Days, so we need to get moving! Respectfully submitted, Ed Lemon, curator