Warwick Historical Society Minutes March 21, 2012 The evening began with a presentation on the Community Preservation Act by Keith Ross and Pat Lemon. Details on the proposed program was distributed, explained and discussed. Residents will have the chance to vote for or against this initiative on the ballot at Warwick town elections on May 21, 2012. The WHS business meeting was called to order at 7:43 p.m. Present: Bev and Dave Shepardson, Calvin and Freddie Fellows, Ann Miner, Martha Morse, Ed Lemon, Martha Kitchen, Larry Carey, Patty Ernest, Barbara Walker, Kady Woods, Andrea Woods, Clare Green, Mary Williamson, Jim Toth, and Charlie Brown. Calvin Fellows moved that the secretary's report be accepted as read. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. Martha Morse read the treasurer's report in Arline Lincoln's absence: CD $10,131.80; Savings $4,051.42; Checking $1,798.87; TOTAL $15, 982.09 A motion to accept was made by Ed Lemon, was seconded and passed unanimously. New Business 1. Larry reported that WHS officers will be nominated for a two-year term at the next quarterly meeting on June 20th. Members will then vote on the slate of officers at the September 2012 meeting. 2. Larry commended Dave Shepardson for spearheading the very successful ice-cutting project on Moore's Pond, and urged others to follow through on ideas for Old Home Day and beyond. Dave described in some detail the process used, reporting that 27 ice blocks 8" thick are now stored in the ice house on his property. Dave asked if others have available ice-makers to use in August. Everyone agreed that the February 11th ice cutting was a wonderful community event involving many people from Warwick and beyond as participants and spectators, which will hopefully be repeated in 2013. 3. Larry again spoke of his efforts to contact descendents of early Warwick families to obtain information, photos and memorabilia. He has spoken with Charlie Lincoln's daughters Sue and Rosemary who intend to find information on their father's farm, named "Lincolnshire". 4. Andrea Woods said that she plans to feature items from the WHS collection in future editions of the Warwick Community Newsletter. 5. Curator Ed Lemon asked for, and was given by consensus, authority to re-arrange items in the WHS museum. More information follows in his report (attached). 6. A motion was made and passed unanimously allowing Ed to use $140 of the $1,000 authorized for Archival Committee expenses by a motion passed on June 16, 2010. Ed Lemon then gave his report, and it is attached. The meeting was adjourned at 8:23 p.m., followed by refreshments. The next quarterly meeting is scheduled for June 20, 2012. Respectfully submitted Martha Morse, secretary Curator's Report 3/21/2012 1. The Inventory Project will be starting up soon. We usually meet Mondays at 1:00 p.m. Volunteers are always welcomed! We've inventoried and photographed almost 1100 items so far, but we still have a long way to go. 2. Visitors to the museum and the web site continue to use and appreciate our resources. We need to expand our online offerings with new materials, such as more detailed info about Warwick families. We need help! 3. Online books - I'm having Allred's "Genealogical Records" copied and scanned to be put online. I ask the Society if it would be fair to ask it to donate to this project, around $140. I also have permission from Ed Hawes to put the Hawes/Morse book "Warwick and its People" online as well. 4. Rearrange exhibits - we have a space problem, and I want to bring some interesting things down to the first floor. We've already moved the Blissville Scythe. Things are not grouped, space could be better utilized, etc. 5. New exhibits - This is the year MA is officially celebrating the Sesquicentennial of the Civil War. We should update our current exhibits. Anybody have any relics, mementoes we could add to our collection? 6. We still need volunteers to use recorders, etc. Audio and video archives really add to a museum's attractiveness! 7. I've been having health issues, so haven't done as much over the winter as I had hoped, but things have been resolved, so I should start catching up soon! Respectfully submitted, Ed Lemon, Curator