Warwick Historical Society Minutes for March 18, 2015 Present: Larry Carey, Mike Carey, Arline Lincoln, Dave Shepardson, Bev Shepardson, Susan Wright, Freddie Fellows, Patty Ernest, Mel Kitchen, Martha Morse, Barbara Walker, Ed Lemon, Kris Wallock The meeting was called to order at 7:06 p.m. By Larry Carey. The minutes of the December 17, 2014 meeting were accepted as read. Treasurer's report (Arline Lincoln) Checking balance: 747.52 Savings balance: 5,234.52 CD balance: 10,353.47 TOTAL WORTH: 16,335.51. RECEIPTS none EXPENSES National Grid 20.00 Mass. Commission 15.00 Scholarship Fund 200.00 TOTAL EXPENSES 235.00 On a MOTION by Ed, second by Mike, the treasurer's report was accepted as read. FUNDRAISING DISCUSSION 1. Who will do sales of WHS items now that Larry and his family are less available? 2. The market has been saturated with sale of Afghans and T-shirts. The afghans were most often sold pre-sale. 3. Suggestions from Barbara Walker (and others) for sale items: small crock; hot plate; calendar, featuring pictures of old houses; spoon; and linen dish towels. 4. Ed noted Blake map reproductions have sold well, and suggested more be made. He also noted that the Morse maps could be reproduced larger and morer economically. 5. There was a discussion re. the feasibility of selling items on-line from the WHS web-site and/or the Town of Warwick web-site. Ed will do some research on this. 6. Suggestion was made to raffle off a framed, matted map at Old Home Day or Holiday Fair. 7. Fundraising Committee to organize sale items: Mel Kitchen, Arline Lincoln, Larry Carey, Ed Lemon, and Mike Carey. 8. Buy 3 or 4 inexpensive rolling suitcases to transport sale items to venues. OTHER BUSINESS 1. Mike Carey reported that the camera outside at the Museum is not live-recording to the hard drive, and that the recording devise could be replaced for under $100. MOTION: Kris Wallack moved that Mike buy the devise, seconded by Mel, passed unanimously. 2. Idea to attract visitors to Musem: have an Open House at museum on a Sunday afternoon during regular open hours (2:00-4:00 p.m.) with refreshments and guided tours. 3. Plan a get-together at the Town Hall to attract members: display photos and museum items. The Curator's Report was presented by Ed and it is attached. Motion made to adjourn at 7:47p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for June 17, 2015. Respectfully submitted, Martha Morse, secretary Curator's Report 3.18.15 I have a copy of the Society's Annual Report to the Town for the year 2014 if you'd like to see it. 1. Inventory Project I hope that we can continue working on this in mid-June at our usual time of 1 to 3 p.m. on Mondays if there are no objections from my regulars. I'd like to welcome others to join us in these sessions. You will learn a lot about our town and enjoy some interesting discussions. 2. Book Grant & Other Projects The grant we had received from the Warwick Cultural Council towards another publication, namely a book of photos and brief histories of older houses in Warwick was forfeited due to time constraints. I plan to apply again in October. Speaking of publications, we've sold most of the 100 copies we had printed. So should we negotiate another print run, or consider the market saturated and as soon as the last copy is sold, put it up for free on the internet? The historical sign project has been put on hold, but I'd really like to get back to work on it. 3. Web site - photos I'm still way behind on the photos, since my optimism at the December meeting didn't reckon with a new set of personal problems. 4. Once again let me remind you that we need volunteers to get oral and video interviews with long-term residents. For example, we are lucky to have a lengthy interview with Kay Magi on digital video, which is all the more valuable now that she's gone. We have digital recorders that are very easy to use and I'll be happy to demonstrate their use to anyone interested in volunteering. Some of you must also have interesting stories to tell and I'll be happy to record them. Just let me know! 5. As always, I remind you that I welcome your comments in all these areas. These are Society projects, not curator projects and I hope you'll all want to be involved in them! Respectfully submitted, Ed Lemon