Warwick Historical Society Minutes for March 16, 2016 Present: Arline Lincoln, Clare Green, Calvin Fellows, Freddie Fellows, Charlie Brown, Ann Miner, Patty Barber, Mike Carey, Martha Kitchen, Martha Morse, Larry Carey, Barbara Walker, Clare Green, Ed Lemon The meeting was called to order at 7:07 pm by Larry Carey. The minutes of the December 16, 2016 meeting were accepted as read. Treasurer's report (Arline Lincoln) Checking balance: 1,097.46 Savings balance: 5,237.16 CD balance: 10,452.09 TOTAL WORTH: 16,786.71 RECEIPTS Sale items 40.00 EXPENSES National Grid 30.00 Scholarship Fund 200.00 On a motion by Clare, second by Mike, the treasurer's report was unanimously accepted as read. OLD BUSINESS 1. Reminder that the June WHS meeting will be second Wednesday (June 8) in order not to conflict with the Warwick Community School graduation on June 15. 2. Discussion of the recommendations in the November 2015 report of the "Planning Subcommittee" is postponed until the June 8 meeting. NEW BUSINESS 1. A copy of a 1745 tax warrant issued by the King to Warwick, Mass was sent to the WHS by the Essex Connecticut Historical Society. This document was shown to members at the meeting and will be part of the museum's collection. 2. There was discussion on the mid-May launching of the Uniquely Quabbin magazine, a free semi-annual publication highlighting the uniqueness of the Quabbin area. Martha Kitchen will respond to the letter from the Athol Historical Society and coordinate the opening of the WHS museum sometime during the weekend of May 21-22. 3. Dates for Warwick events to be included in the magazine's calendar of events were identified and will be submitted. The meeting was adjourned at 8:06 pm, followed by refreshments. The next meeting is scheduled for June 8, 2016. Respectfully submitted, Martha Morse, secretary