Warwick Historical Society Minutes - December 21, 2016 Present: Charlie Brown, Michael Carey, Barbara Walker, Bev and Dave Shepardson, Martha Morse, Rod and Liz Whipple , Clare Green, Patty Ernest The meeting was called to order at 7:11 p.m. by Michael Carey, in the absence of Larry Carey. Secretary's Report: The minutes of the September 21, 2016 meeting were accepted as read. Treasurer's Report: Martha read the treasurer's report in Arline's absence. Accepted as read. . CD balance: $10,531.36 . Savings: 5,239.12 . Checking: 1,558.37 TOTAL: $17,328.85 Proceeds: $130 dues; $80 Holiday Fair; $25 Dues & donation: Total $235 Expenditures: $65.71 National Grid (4 months); $15 Commonwealth dues: Total $80.71 Mike presented President's Report written by Larey Carey 1. Larry and Mike have applied for a State grant for funding a display of military uniforms. They prepared and submitted the proposal in late November and expect to hear back sometime in January of 2017. 2. In the course of this grant proposal, the Secretary of the Commonwealth in Boston sent documentation certifying the Warwick Historical Society Inc. as "a domestic corporation organized on May 15, 1972." Their office also sent a Certificate of Change of Directors or Officers of Non-Profit Corporations as this had not officially been updated for many years. Copies of these two documents were given to Martha for the WHS historical files. 3. There was some discussion on the merits of ordering more T-shirts or afghans for future sales. No decision was reached or motion taken. Martha mentioned that the note cards sell well , and suggested they be displayed on a stand for better viewing. Rod Whipple offered to construct a wooden display stand. In other business, it was suggested that Charlie Brown present some of his knowledge on the history of Warwick at the beginning of our next quarterly meeting in March. Clare Green offered to facilitate his presentation and arrange for possible videotaping. The business meeting was adjourned at 7:58 p.m. The annual Yankee Gift Swap and refreshments followed. The next quarterly meeting will be held on March 15, 2017. Respectfully submitted, Martha Morse, secretary