Warwick Historical Society Minutes December 21, 2011 Meeting was called to order at 7:11 p.m. Present: Rod and Helen Whipple, Bev and Dave Shepardson, Calvin and Freddie Fellows, Ann Miner, Martha Morse, Ed Lemon, Martha Kitchen, Larry and Cathy Carey, Michael Carey, Patty Ernest, Barbara Walker, Carol Foote, and Nadia Marti. Secretary's report was approved as read. Treasurer's report given by Martha Morse in Arline Lincoln's absence:: CD $10,108.74; Savings $4,049.91; Checking $1,873.94; TOTAL $16,032.59 Report approved as read. New Business Larry reported that 12 afghans were recently sold at $40 each. The customer paid postage for all 12 to be mailed. Larry thanked his family (Cathy and Michael) for helping with the mailing (securing boxes, etc.) Following up on business from the September meeting, Martha collected membership dues for Ed and Pat Lemon, Mel Kitchen, Barbara Walker, Patty and Charlie Ernest, Susan Williams, and Carol Foote. Larry encouraged members to contact long-time Warwick residents for information, photos and reminisces to keep Warwick's history alive.. It was noted that Oliver and Ginny fellows donated a space heater for use in the WHS building, especially during times when the archive committee is working there. The secretary was asked to write a thank you note for this donation. Ed noted that many of the family files put together by Charlie Morse are very meager, sometimes with only one item. He reiterated the importance of getting pertinent information and photos into these files for the interest of generations to follow. He also mentioned that group photos need to be labeled. The meeting was adjourned at 7:33 p.m., followed by the Yankee Gift Swap and refreshments. The next meeting will take place on March 21, 2012. Respectfully submitted Martha Morse, secretary