Warwick Historical Society Minutes - December 17, 2014 The meeting was called to order at 7:08 p.m. by Larry Carey. Present: Larry Carey, Arline Lincoln, Ed Lemon, Mel Kitchen, Kristen Wallock, Freddie Fellows, Charlie Brown, Rod Whipple, Liz Whipple, Barbara Walker, Martha Morse, Dave Shepardson, Bev Shepardson, Betsy Lochhead, Carol Foote, Patty Ernest, Ann Miner, and Clare Green Secretary's Report: On a motion by Mel, second by Arline, the minutes of the September 17, 2014 meeting were accepted with one correction: change "ax handles" to "ax heads" in secretary's report. Treasurers Report: Arline Lincoln Checking balance: $1,007.52 Savings balance: 5,233.86 CD balance: 10,330.27 Total Worth 16,571.65 Expenditures: $46.75 landscaping expenses; $37.64 3 months National Grid; TOTAL $84.39 Receipts: $25.00 donation; $190 in dues; $25.00 WHS items sales; TOTAL $240.00 Treasurer's report accepted unanimously on a motion by Rod, second by Patty. New Business: 1. Larry again asked for volunteers for sale of WHS items in the future, noting that it is now more difficult for him and for his family to handle this. Clare noted that she had volunteered to help at the November Holiday Fair, and will continue to do so as her schedule allows. 2. Mel reported that she had sold a few of the newly produced full-color copies of the 1830 Blake maps at the Fair. These 11" x 17" maps cost $1.98 each to produce and sell for $5.00. The next size up would cost a prohibitive $16.00 to produce. 3. Mel suggested packing small quantities of WHS sale items in small, manageable boxes (preferably plastic) for easy transport to events. Larry said he will appoint a few members to organize this when the weather gets warmer. 4. It was also suggested that items could be "pre-sold" via the Warwick Community Newsletter. 5. Curator Ed Lemon indicated that he is unlikely to serve as curator past his current term ending in 2016, and noted the necessity of encouraging younger folks to become involved in WHS leadership positions. Ed Lemon gave the curator's report, and it is attached. The meeting was adjourned at 7:39 p.m., followed by the Yankee Gift Swap and holiday treats. The WHS will next meet on March 18, 2015. Respectfully submitted, Martha Morse, secretary Curator's Report Dec. 17, 2014 I haven't been much of a curator this year, due to various factors most of you are aware of. I think I'll stick it out for the remainder of my term, but we should start thinking about getting some new blood into this position, as well as into some others, too, perhaps. Most of us who are deeply involved in the Society and its projects are in our seventies and eighties. Who is going to replace us after we've moved on? I think we ought to devote some serious thought to this issue. There is more to be done in terms of cataloguing our collection but the bulk of our stuff is in our database and online. I thank those who have helped me so much in the past, and hope things will be better next year. One thing we can and should continue to do is make replicas of items in our collection and put them up for sale at various town events. Martha Kitchen has followed up on one of our ideas and made a preliminary run of full-color copies of the 1830 Blake Map. They were $2.00 each and we had 20 made at Staples. We set up at the Crafts Fair and sold a few of them at $5.00 each. Unfortunately we couldn't stay at the fair for the full time, but there was a bit of a market for the maps, and we might have better luck during next year's Old Home Days. We missed the deadline for extending the Cultural Council's funding for the book about Warwick's Historical Houses, so I will try again next year. In the meantime, we can continue working on the book, as the funds are only needed in the final stage, i.e. printing. I haven't been able to devote much time to the backlog of photographs that need to be scanned, but there's a long winter ahead and I'll probably make a dent in that project during it. Respectfully submitted, Ed Lemon, Curator