Warwick Historical Society Minutes for December 16, 2015 Present: Arline Lincoln, Clare Green, Helen Whipple, Rod Whipple, Betsy Lochhead, Scott Lochhead, Calvin Fellows, Freddie Fellows, Bev Shepardson, Dave Shepardson, Charlie Brown, Elaine Brown, Kristen Wallock, Ann Miner, Patty Barber, Mike Carey, Martha Kitchen, Martha Morse, Larry Carey. The meeting was called to order at 7:07 pm by Larry Carey. The minutes of the September 16, 2015 meeting were accepted as read. Treasurer's report (Arline Lincoln) Checking balance: 1,302.46 Savings balance: 5,236.51 CD balance: 10,624,11 TOTAL WORTH: 16,965.08 RECEIPTS Book sale 5.00 Dues 180.00 Donation 15.00 Holiday Fair Sales 222.75 TOTAL RECEIPTS 422.75 EXPENSES National Grid 44.54 On a motion by Rod, second by Mike, the treasurer's report was unanimously accepted as read. PRESIDENT'S REPORT: (Larry Carey) 1. Larry thanked Barbara Walker, Clare Green, and Patty Ernest for their work selling WHS items at the Holiday Fair on November 28. Thanks also to Mel and Ed for their assistance. 2. Larry noted that he has taken books from Lena, and a photo of the Whipple house, donated by Rodney, to the museum. 3. Larry reported on a phone call from a gentleman inquiring about a 1790 clock builder from Northfield. (First name "Bill", last name unknown.) OTHER BUSINESS 1. Martha M. asked if WHS note paper was available free of charge for secretary's WHS correspondence. So moved, on a motion by ClaPre, second by Helen. 2. Helen Whipple distributed the report of the initial meeting (11/09/15) of the recently formed "Planning Subcommittee." She asked attendees to consider the sub-committee's recommendations for discussion at the next WHS quarterly meeting in March. The meeting was adjourned at 7:36 pm, followed by the Yankee Gift Swap and refreshments. The next meeting is scheduled for March 16, 2016. Respectfully submitted, Martha Morse, secretary