Town Coordinator's Report September 5, 2008 Arranged for rental of lift for town hall roof repairs. Procured Bill Lyman for roofing repairs. Met with a Motorola Canopy dealer. Ok'd clock face restoration. Restoration cost was $575 Included was two days of crane rental. Thanks go to George Day who worked as volunteer for two days with the painter from inside the tower. Checked w/ Motorola regarding possible state bid on canopy products and found none. Submitted solar lighting grant for flagpole at Veterans Monument. Received official approval on Fire Department Forestry grant award. Listed and sold Ford Tractor on eBay; sent notices to five potential bidders via us mail. $951 was bid for tractor. Called Starpower / Wivalley regarding an installation quote and .98 dish upgrade Contacted six potential consultant installers for WISP project (wireless internet service provider) Left message for and got callback from Richard Chase for chimney re-pointing Spoke with David Lambert, mason, regarding re-pointing town hall chimneys Took pictures of clock restoration, town hall roof repairs, construction of walkway at veteran's memorial for web site. Updated Warwick's Department of Revenue Division of Local Services Gateway website data Processed requests for payments. Assisted BOH w/ inspection request. Procured transfer station bags. Publicized elder accessibility loans. Met with townspeople, committee members, department heads as needed. Posted meetings. Changed event sign messages. Monitored town hall and grounds during Old Home Day. Fitted rigging to new town flag and raked portion of town park so grass clippings wouldn't get tracked into building. Referred FRCDOG salary and wage info to personnel committee for first draft. Gathered signatures for revenue anticipation note. Addressed computer / internet issues. Thanks to Treas / TC for assistance. C. Fellows suggested painting crosswalk lines from park to library. Arrange with Tim to have a crosswalk painted from Park to Library when Poirier Guidelines is next in Town. Negotiated new elevator contract which saves $750 / year. Working on purchase of trash compactor instead of rental. We've paid for it and then some with rentals. Visited a working Canopy 900 mhz wireless internet system in NH Working on procurement / best prices on broadband equipment. Referred to Highway Department a source for stone located and for sale in Winchester. Joined SEC partners per request of Building Energy Committee Followed up on PVRS ESCO participation. Tim reports he expects paving to begin on Rt 78 on 15 September.