Coordinator Report August 7, 2009 Contracted with Cellu-Spray Insulation of Colrain, MA for insulation and air sealing of town hall. Theirs is the lower price proposal. The $4245 represented going it to the cavities through the plaster. I elected the exterior route which they quoted at + $1000. The owner says the price to do that will likely be less than the full amount of the contract. The other bidder was $18,986. Work commenced on Tuesday August 4th and I expect the job will be completed on Monday August 10. After they leave I will have the painters back to restore the clapboarded areas that were opened up. Next steps on the building are to write up scope of work for two more energy related projects: chimney repairs and for wood storm windows for the office portion of town hall. I have contacted a plumber to install a 0 - 1.5 psi pressure gauge on the steam system in addition to the legally required 0 - 30 psi gauge. This will permit us to lower the steam pressure and obtain more heat per fuel input. I have arranged with Kurt Freitag to do welding repair on the town hall steel bulkhead doors and repair the catwalk at the transfer station. The three SYIP (summer youth employment program) youths have completed scraping and staining the rail fencing in the town park. Their wages are paid for by a Federal employment program. The materials for the town hall fence project are being paid for by the Women's Guild. We replace four rails with new. The youth are painting the railings, deck, and skirt on the police station and will move on to completing the paint job on the play structure. They have also assisted with the meals site, and done work with me at the town hall ranging from organizing town reports and filing to moving surplus equipment from the building, and cut brush and knotweed. All the rain we have been getting has delayed our beginning the job of digging up the northerly portion of the town hall drain which I hope will result in elimination of the need for the sump pump in the town hall basement. The pump died and Charlie had to replace it last week. A resident was in to report that VT Yankee has been unresponsive regarding his obtaining a weather alert radio. I e-mailed Entergy and phoned the number in the calendar and requested a radio for my home to test their system. I live in the 10 mile zone and my radio is thirty years old. We hired Bill Lyman to repair and paint the water damaged fascia at the school, work he expects to complete before school starts. His quote is $500 to repair, caulk with paint-able silicone, and paint. There will be funds remaining after completion so I contacted Bannister Greenburg Associates who will arrange a meeting to price and scope work write up on repair to the sprinkler system, the next step in moving forward with that need. The school's voice mail has not been set up by the vendor. I was remiss in not implementing this immediately and in not holding back some funds. I billed MEMA the final amounts due for December Ice emergency. There were three 10% holdbacks work that was only recently completed and $918 for a contract awarded to compensate documented volunteer activities. Thanks to Ted, Ann, Bill, Jack, Brian, Rita, and everyone else who answered my email to document this contribution. That became real and found money. I updated the FRCOG wage survey a second time in their requested format. Rosa has been working on documenting Selectboard voted policies and doing a fine job of it. I notified FRCOG that Ted remains our representative to the regional planning board. A question arose about reporting highway complaints. Tim and I agree that notification of situations that his department deals with are not complaints but notification. These need be documented. We will figure out whether in my report or his weekly reports. At Mrs. Severance's request, we continued the review to December 2009. Mr. Shaw's project is proceeding and we may expect this to be resolved before winter. I changed the highway phone service to two lines of measured service. This will allow the budgeted funds to be used in support of their broadband connection. I followed up on the worker's compensation audit and clarified that police and fire personnel are exempt and covered under police and fire accident. We reviewed classifications. Verizon responded on the Tuesday following the Selectboard's previous meeting where they voted the wire exception and addressed the tree and wires. They are sending engineers to work on the entire road. We got pole hearing requests for Hastings Pond Rd and Athol Rd. Do we want to link these matters? I sent a letter in support of Mass Broadband Institute's grant request for stimulus money on behalf of the Town. I engaged Reva for $300 to develop a database book-keeping module to keep expense side accounts for the Broadband Enterprise Fund. She had previously donated a software license and a revenue / billing applet. This will permit me to enter bills for payment to the town's book keeping system and keep the legally required departmental books with a single input. Reva walked me through billing subscribers and I was able to submit the August service bills. Chief Peters contracted for a new Animal Control paging device. I submitted bills for payment. Tim reports that the speed study is waiting on MA Highway's Mr. Bow to complete his work. This will then come to the Town for review and signature and then to the Registry of Motor Vehicles for their final sign off. We anticipate some reductions of speeds from those reflected in the study. We have represented that this would be welcomed by the Town. Delivery of the new truck mounted sweeper is expected within ten days. Things to do include: Submit complaints regarding Verizon quality of service in advance of the 12 Aug deadline. Write chimney repair and storm window replacement contract specifications Make the sprinkler system meeting happen. Create requested town e-mail accounts. Develop a letter of instruction for Sandri Oil Co. regarding the Town meeting its FY09 fuel contract commitment.