Coordinator Report Owner of Country Store, Deanna Thompson in about an issue of damage to her building. Repair bill is estimated to be about $600. She is looking for financial help in making repairs. I recommend we cover it with Howard Poor fund and enter a liability waiver. Last winter one of the granite posts on the park was broken. Suggest we move beyond blame and take action. Been assisting Board of Health on campground inspections, fees, credentials, imprinted bag purchase, and revolving fund. Following special town meeting approval, have been working on broadband procurement. Developed a contract and scope of services. Have two of three needed responses. Once that is completed and contract awarded, Town can proceed on DCR MOU and agreement with American Tower. Selectboard needs to sign election warrants for the fall primary election. Forwarded clerk's town report information. Spoke with Dale K regarding format of financial reports for Town Report. We'd like to export to a MS file format. We are now able to move forward on handling of VT Yankee grant money and transfer to Firemen's Association. Accountant just needs board approval after getting tax ID number. Conflict of interest issue settled on Treas / Tax Collector. In fact covered with 268A exemption and as well a disclosure as prescribed by SEC. Other matters covered with "special municipal employee", non participation in decision. Look forward to the conflict of interest seminar coming to Warwick. There is an upcoming meeting with Town of Athol on regionalism. I made an entreaty that Athol join the FRCOG. WCS building. Appears the $5k on consulting overspent. Need to verify accounts. Phone system delayed a few weeks. I have Nolan coordinating directly with principal. Staff got the propane generator started. Attended housing court with building inspector and town council. The town got order to remove mobile home by Feb, scheduled hearing date to follow-up. Scheduled hearing for hearing on the Community Development Strategy, Project List and Commonwealth Capital Application for Sept. 11, 2008 at 7 pm. Charles Brown in to discuss condition of flagpoles and memorials. I will address these concerns. I am pursuing the possibility of getting the rental lift that is at the Unitarian Church building to work on town hall roof repairs late in weeks. Involves coordination of materials, lift and tradesmen. New town flags were delivered.