Coordinator Report July 25, 2009 Some performance issues on the broadband system were addressed. Users may notice increased speeds. Our system is drawing peak backhaul of about 5mbts with forty something connections. This month the system had about a $350 surplus after meeting expenses. There were thirteen new connections. The payment / collections database was delivered. This is a pro-bono programming effort by Reva Reck for which we owe her thanks. I successfully inputted the data and will learn other functionality in the next week. We got the lowest price for insulating the town hall from Cellu-Spray of Colrain who submitted $4,245. I recommend they be selected to do the work. We also got the consulting reports on the town hall. I updated the FRCGOG wage and salary survey data. Also was interviewed by the Hanover Institute on grant writing and management services. The Auto mark voting system was serviced. GOK why as nobody uses the thing. A resident is contemplating moving out of town and wonders if it is possible to stay on the conservation commission. I believe this has happened in the past. Tim turned out report maps on pavement age and activities this past year which we will scan and publish. The town's webmaster created permanent space for town procurement on the website. The DOR financial management review is also linked on the website. The BOH / Severance case was continued for review until 10-9-09 at which time we expect we can dismiss the complaint due to compliance. Building inspector had phone problems this past week which are now corrected. Excess phone system components were transferred to Gill-Montague school system that uses the same system. I kept enough for the town hall to get a system and for replacement parts for our school. I helped a town youth obtain a work permit. A lot of youth are seeking employment. If residents have work, contact the coordinator and I'll refer you a good worker who didn't get a job thru the public program. The village center is getting a facelift. Painting the Town Hall is complete. I approved an add-on of the red brick foundation for $450. The contractor, Roumbakis has completed the library and is doing the Inn, bakery, and Cooke house. He did the fountain pro-bono. Meanwhile summer youth employees have completed the rail fence staining and the Historical Society building is being painted. Reductions in chapter 70 school aid result in cuts of approx $140k to Pioneer district. This causes recalculation of minimum contribution to schools for each town. In Warwick's case our assessment share will increase $242.00 which I propose to handle with a reserve fund transfer. Complaint policy of not allowing complaints to "leapfrog" to the selectboard without giving the department a shot at quiet corrective action was adopted by prior boards of Selectmen. It is a town policy that I have operated under since my hiring in Nov of '07. It never applied only to the highway department. The town coordinator is organizing a satellite Internet dish toss at Old Home Days to celebrate the success of Warwick's broadband Internet system which has more than forty connections. Details of the competition are sketchy though distance, style and accuracy will be combined in the competition. Prizes will be awarded. The event will be held Sunday August 30th at 2pm at the town park (common). Bring your favorite satellite Internet dish if you have one. Or one can be provided you. Police, Fire and Tree Warden have contacted me in support of highway department's problems with Verizon regarding a tree on Gale Rd. After four days Verizon has agreed to meet the highway department with a bucket truck at 8:30 am Tuesday July 28 to take down the wire. Following is text of a draft letter I developed in case this goes on any longer: Our highway department reported a wire supporting broken tree on Gale Rd. in Warwick MA. We understand that this is symptomatic of a bigger problem with the wire location on Gale Rd. Your line supervisor, Ken Charbonneau, 978-939-5412 looked at this and advised the tree is not Verizon's problem on Friday July 24. He informed us he would cut the phone line and we could deal with the tree. That wasn't done on Friday, nor was this done on the weekend. It wasn't done on today, Monday and the employee's voice mailbox is full and not accepting messages. It has now been four days since that conversation so our Selectboard voted to exempt this matter from our town policy of the highway department not touching trees in wires. We are authorizing our highway department to deal with this tree as an overarching public safety matter and do so with the support of Warwick's police department and tree warden. This probable interruption of service was avoidable.