Coordinator's Report Friday July 10, 2009 Unlike my usual litany of items accomplished, this is more a roadmap for the summer. We have three summer youth employees. SYEP wages are paid by stimulus money thru the local employment board, FHETC. This week they learned to fax, copy, find files, and file. They worked on the computer with the Ariel Photo Maps. They mostly worked on preparing / scraping the fence rails on the common. In the next few weeks they will be: Painting Fence Rails Painting Play Structure Painting PD building skirts Keeping up on the informational signage Knotweed cutting near the library and Learning to run the town hall video projection system. Building and Energy,BEC will be pitching the Selectboard to have me seek stimulus money for weatherization. I am also working on these town hall projects: Painting the exterior Insulation and airsealing (proposals due 7/15.) Chimney Repair which I need to write up and Work to restore the gravity fed Town Hall Drain I am also working on getting proposals for repainting the Library. This is year end financial time. I met with the Finance Committee who approved six transfers. We are beginning the workers compensation audit. The town's Web site was the delivery mechanism for construction docs for painting and insulation. Thanks due to webmaster, Ed. I'll provide electronic copy of the annual town meeting minutes soon Fire Department The Rangers, our fire department youth group are training to compete in musters Asbestos removal at old school building completed. We have the opportunity to submit another forestry grant. Perhaps a long shot but we should try and we need to secure matching money Finally, we are working on establishing the stipend / compensation basis Broadband There are 40 connections on the system now. Monthly income is about $2000. There have been four failures to establish a signal. That is less than 10%, but not good if it is you. I negotiated an agreement to share our system out of town that will generate us about $500 per month. This can help pay down the borrowed money. I need to do work to be able to bill for library and community police revenues. I met with the Accountant and now need to draft the project's chart of accounts Also learn Reva's DB for billing Update the department's books And I want to organize a satellite Internet Dish Toss at old home day. Perhaps Motorola will sponsor it. Building Inspector Phil is behind in continuing education. Has submitted a plan to catch up that looks quite acceptable and has made substantial progress. He submitted 3rd and 4th quarter reports. The assessors clerk wants more detail to assist them. He has agreed to e-mail it. For fee inspectors need to be paid for year and I'll be getting that done for the final warrant of FY09. Winter Ice Storm I need to provide allocation of revenue to paid invoices to instruct Accountant. FY10 budget We will achieve the revenue predicted from Ice Damage, $45k. As we used lower forecasts of state aid, we will actually get a bit more than projected. While less than $10,000 it is in our favor. Transfer Station Enterprise Fund FY09 revenues were lower that projected and we won't have as much surplus to carry forward. We will need to raise fees or we will need to appropriate from taxes. I have recommended to the BOH that they open for a few hours on a Wed evening. The cost is under $35 / week. Another recommendation is that we closely track the income associated with each particular container of demo debris to see if we are charging enough.